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Favorite Bike Parts
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This is for the home bike builders. Post your favorite bike parts. Parts that you'd use on multiple bikes. Tires, bars, cranks, anything.

Answer questions about WHY they are you favorite

My favorites:

> Salsa Cowbell bars (on two bikes)
> Schwalbe Marathon Supremes (three bikes)
> Kool Stop dual compound pads
> Pinned pedals of all sorts. If you ride flats and don't have pinned pedals, you're missing out.
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I love Gatorskins, I buy them when they are on sale for my 700C road bike. Only tires that are super puncture resistant and last over 2K miles while still being not too heavy.
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Tektro rl520 levers
Large hoods, no nonsense cheap lever that works with lots of brakes.
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Dia Compe ENE shifters. Inexpensive shifters that can be run on DT or bar-ends and don't have any cheap plastic shit on them that breaks.

I keep hearing people call them memeskins and say they can't handle the rain. Thoughts?

>Dia Compe ENE shifters

I like bar-end shifters, but I run Shimanos on 2 of my bikes. Didn't know Dia Compe was an option. Have you used Shimano and why are Dia Compe better?
They're cheaper than the Shimano equivalent from most sellers. Also the friction shifting. Jump from 7 to 8 to 9 speeds with ease.
Where do you buy the shifters?
They're not a great rain tire, but they aren't so bad. If you have a working head on your shoulders and realize that riding on wet roads inherently reduces grip on any tire, you will be fine.
Memeskins are great until they see glass chunks. The hardness makes it more prone to picking up shit. I had one huge gash just 10 minutes riding on it. Filled the gap with vulcanizing glue and amazingly lasted for over 3000km with that ghetto fix, could have gotten more life but i sold that bike. My hardshell has seen 5000km and still far from the end of its life. I instaled yet another pair of hardshells on another bike, if that doesn't tell you how much i love them, i dont know how else. Be careful with inflation though, these things transfer vibrations like a sybian
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much pleasure
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These can tear fairly easily but they are cheap, comfy, grippy and I've never had one spin on me. Even the white ones will go back to white w/ a little simple green or citrus cleaner.

Thanks. I'll give them a look for the next time I need bar ends (it will be a long time... maybe never. That's the appeal of bar-ends)

Shimano has a switch from indexed to friction on all of their bar-end shifters.

Thanks guys. That clears up things for me. I don't know if I'd ride them in a city like Philadelphia but for a place with clean streets I can see the appeal now
Nothing above 9 speed is friction transferable
pinned pedals seems to love my shins, as they always find away to rip skin off.

Put about 4500 miles on a pair. Good quality pedals with some degree of foot retention. No need for clipless shoes.
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Schwalbe Duano
Sapim db spokes
Shimano hubs

Seconding Shimano hubs, been running several Deore and LX hubs for years
>MKS Sylvan Touring pedals
On 3 of my bikes. I grew up riding on rat traps. Everything else feels wrong. I don't race anymore, and I don't particularly need or like clipless, although when I get a garbon sled I'm sure I'll use clipless again, for aesthetic/spiritual reasons. Can be a bit slippy in the wet unless I pair them with grippy shoes.

>Nitto everything
If Nitto made dildos I'd buy one.

>Panaracer Pasela TG/PT folding bead tires
They're okay as fuck. The most okay tires ever. Rolling resistance? Okay. Puncture protection? Okay (except for the sidewalls which are lol). Wet traction? Okay. etc etc etc. They're inexpensive, they don't excel at anything, but they don't outright suck at anything. Except for sidewall protection. It's like someone at Panasonic is autistically dedicated to making sure that the tires are as okay as possible. Why? Because Japan.

>square taper bottom brackets
Most of the time you put them in and forget about them for 10-20 years.

>Chris King headsets
Another set and forget part.
>squeak squeak squeak
>not riding made in the usa cane creek
>but muh bling colors
cinelli unicanitor saddle, headlight mount, axiom mk3 journey rack, rear light mount.
These parts are the same on my road bike and folding bike.

The saddle is good because it's plastic and I can ride in dickies without friction and no chafing.

I chose the rack because it fits all of my bikes, so I can charge my lights, pack my panniers and then choose whichever bike I want to ride, no adjustments necessary.
>dat fork crown

you ain't foolin' around, there, anon.

I have this bell on both my bikes, but with the chrome finish. I'm picky about my bell.
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forgot name:
Mirrycle Incredibell Brass Duet

also use this VO grand cru post on both bikes. I like the mk1version with 2 bolts but the new mk2 is a one bolt design.

maximum setback, very clean look and very reasonable price.
So far the one thing I've been properly impressed with are Schwalbe Ones on my fredmobile.

Nearly 4000 km in and the rear tyre is looking rather squared off, but I've only had about 3 punctures in that time which is streets ahead of every other tyre I've used.

Have some 4kSII to replace them soon-ish to see how the competition fares.

Seriously thinking about marathon supremes on my commuter bike though, can't be dealing with all these flats.

Agree hard on the Panaracer Paselas.

I have MKS stream and GR-9s. They're both fantastic but like you said, slippery in the rain. I went to pinned for the bike I ride when it's raining and it was a good idea. I took some idiot advice and put skateboard tape on the GR-9s. One day I was standing out of the saddle and the tape glue slipped and a I slammed my taint so bad. GR-9s are great but don't use half-clips with them. on my cannondale above


Cane Creek is MUSA or just their headsets? I had no idea
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>Schwalbe Ones

Damn. skinwall looks good

I'm the supremes guy. I love them. I've had a set of 700x35c since forever and have never gotten a flat. Mostly riding in the city. They feel about as fast as rubino pros.

Right now I have 35c on the touring bike, 32c front on the road bike, putting 26x2.0 on a kona ute in a couple of days

At 35c the slick is no problem for off road riding down walking trails and gravel. Just keep the pressure low and they do fine
The 110s are. The warranty is also more than 10 times as long.
inb4 tears from the poors
tears for the gears
The squeaking is usually one of two things. Either you need to clean and grease (which is rare), or you have an older NoThreadSet on a MTB with a 140mm+ travel fork. They moved to a tapered split ring cap assembly a few years back that solves that problem, and they made the upgrade annoyingly expensive ($30!) for owners of the older headsets.

Cane Creek and everyone else had been using a similar design for years, but CK didn't want to pay licensing fees to Dia Compe like everyone else.
What am i looking at here?
I wanted one of those but it wasn't available in my area
A $2k IGH, noobie.
About half that, bub.
Cane Creek didn't pay licensing fees to Dia-Compe. Dia-Compe's US branch office was bought out, and became Dia-Compe USA, which later renamed itself to Cane Creek. The current Dia-Compe was Dia-Compe's Taiwanese manufacturing plant, not Dia-Compe Japan. Dia-Compe USA (Cane Creek) was the one manufacturing A-head sets because of their connection to RockShox. Dia-Compe TW was the one making brakes and stuff when it was no longer cheap to make them in Japan.

So, the split ring is more of a Cane Creek design than a Dia-Compe design, unless you want to claim the technicality that Dia-Compe as a subsidiary of Dia-Compe Japan bought the rights a year before it was bought out and became the independent Dia-Compe USA, with the same staff, that would later become Cane Creek.

The reason King is bling is because of colors, and the King brand is made in USA, not just the top end headsets, which are no worse, and previously better, than King's, and King means a high end headset, where as Cane Creek also makes low end ones.

Buy I just buy fake China King headsets for $20.
And that is?
Read the filename, dood.
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I need Cowbell or cowbell equivalent in my life. Also pins are the shit!
Gonna cop these to run MTB discs on a CX bike. Ironic that they look a lot better than the any of the current line up of Tektro's road-pull levers.
I was looking into this because of the huge setback. Glad you like it.

For me I guess it's pic related. Not exceptional, but it's cheap and fits alright, and (at this point in time) I'm not about to invest in a more expensive saddle that might not fit my ass.
>inb4 meme
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>Chirs King
>annoyingly expensive
Wow, no surprise there.
I got mine on ebay for $700.

good info senpai thanks
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Praxisworks chainrings. They look great, shift great, and Praxis are the only manufacturer other than Shimano to cold-forge rings.
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You can get a Rohloff for $1000? Please tell us more!
Pic related: not quite that nice, but cheap, reliable, quick, and all the range I need for city work with moderate hills. Very happy with it and not going back to derailure any time soon.
if it weren't for the way the crank spider doesn't line up perfectly with the ring, it would be so much more aesthetically pleasing than the actual DA chainset....
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>mfw working on my ex girlfriend's Nexus 8 hub that never stayed in tune longer than 3 months after like 3 years of riding
it will happen 2 u
Well I was just converting the UK pricing which starts at around £800 which is just over $1k, Americans usually get shit cheaper than us anyway and they don't put sales tax on their prices.

I've got two Alfine 11s too, the first was less than half the price of a Speedhub including shifter, fitment kit, and rim and spokes and the second was I think £20 laced to a 700C rim.

The 8 and 11 are very different, the only thing they share are the name and anti rotation washers. I've had my first one just over two years and whilst I haven't put a huge amount of miles on it it has seen some abuse, only times it's played up is when I ran the gearing way too low or stones had gotten in the shifting mechanism.
I agree, although not an issue for any other brand crank (SRAM, FSA, Cannondale, Rotor...)
Pic Related

Been running them on both my mountain bikes for five years now


I just order some Schwalbe Supremes off of the site, absolutely the lowest prices even with international shipping. Came to the East Coast in about 10 days
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