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>tfw you cop a $130 Phil Wood BB for 30 dollarydoos but nowhere
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File: feel wooed.jpg (130 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
feel wooed.jpg
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>tfw you cop a $130 Phil Wood BB for 30 dollarydoos but nowhere in town has the tool to install it
>not using hollowtech
bottom brackets are the fucking worst for tools. When I was swapping out the one on my 80's bike I had to buy 3 tools to get the one in there out, and then another tool to install the new one.
>imblyign a BB is ever worth 130
its vom Phil, why wouldn't you pay that money? its the ultimate hipsterism
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>brand new BB
>pedal bearings fucked, nasty ass grinding
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...for a part that nobody will ever see. Hipsterism is about reception by others, no?

Swap with new pedals. Probrem?
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>not getting the much higher-end product for even less than the generic Shimano one.

Why. Just fucking why.
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Did you not read the OP?

He got it for $30.
I like these ones. Nice old MKS sylvans. I'm in the process of overhauling them now, I was just disappointed my stroke still felt so nasty after changing the BB

>using fredtech on a mess whip

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>tfw you have the monies to just buy the tool you need.

You actually need two. Makes it wayy easier.
It's like selvage jeans. Only for the discerning hipster, and the hipster will be sure to point it out every time.
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I've got a set of older Mikashimas, too. Are they catridge bearings, or something else?
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Oldschool cup & cone. Yours are cart?
Dunno yet; haven't opened them up. Was just asking because of my unfamiliarity
Ah I see. Well yours seem to have a pretty different design in some respects, but rebuilding these was a bitch. Trying to place all the tiny little bearings in avoiding the body of the pedal with my fingers, trying not to let them fall through the center of the pedal, fuck.
>not having a carbon-titanium hybrid bb to save muh gramz
casual pls go
Hub and freehub body bearing removal/installation is worse.
I haven't overhauled a freehub body but hubs are less hassle than that pedal IMO.
>>tfw you cop a $130 Phil Wood BB for 30 dollarydoos but nowhere in town has the tool to install it
>this modern world
>every different brand of BB has a special tool to install/remove it
Phils are worth it
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