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Sup /n/iggas
Bike Bag General: Post commuter bags, saddlebags, messenger bags, cargo bags, utility bags etc.
Why can't these go in /bqg/?
Well, since this thread is already here, anyone have experience with Seat-post bags? Not saddle bags, I am looking for something larger, and for touring, on a road bike.
I just want to get rid of anything on my back, as going up and down 3000m over 150km distance with a backpack wasn't the most pleasant experience in 35°C.
I already have a handlebar bag, which held about 3kg. The backpack was about 5kg. I could evenly distribute it to make it 4-4kg back and front.
Panniers aren't really an option, because rear wheels on a road bike are kinda closer to the seat-tube and my feet on the pedals would constantly bump into them. Unless there is some weird set-up I do not know of yet.

I was looking at the medium size bag that Ortlieb offers, but it seems to be a bit overpriced. Any input on them or others?
>touring on a road bike
If only there were a bike that was really good at that sort of thing...
Messenger bags are retarded for cycling. If you disagree, it's because you buy into the image of dumb fixie bullshit and you aren't a real cyclist.
vegan fucken carbs cunt welfare fucken eat 100 banana subscribe s every day power meter patch ya tubes fucken spin mate watch the power training doping bike fit ride anything cunt fucken chris froome straya
you guys are fags.
panniers for portage
handlebar bag for use as a "glove box"
bidons for fluids, preferably one will be an insulated thermos thing.
frame mounted pump.
underseat bag with essentials for a sporty road bike

what is there you guys don't understand about this
They are ok for short commuter type cycling, say less than 3 miles. Then again, messengers only ride for a few miles at a time.
9/10 ditch the bullshitty green spokes
what if you just want to move some papers, books, and a couple of sandwiches?
did I fucking stutter?

an 8" by 8" by 11" handlebar bag will hold a couple sandwiches, books and papers.
if you're a unifag and have textbooks, get a pannier.
saddlebag with essentials for a road bike
jersey pockets with essentials for a sporty road bike/ race bike

"Jacques Anquetil, five-time winner of the Tour de France, used to take his water bottle out of its holder before every climb and stick it in the back pocket of his jersey. Ab Geldermans, his Dutch lieutenant, watched him do that for years, until finally he couldn't stand it any more and asked him why. And Anquetil explained.

A rider, said Anquetil, is made up of two parts, a person and a bike. The bike, of course, is the instrument the person uses to go faster, but it's weight also slows him down. That really counts when the going gets tough, and in climbing the thing is to make sure the bike is as light as possible. A good way to do that is: take the bidon out of its holder.

So, at the start of every climb, Anquetil moved his water bottle from its holder to his back pocket. Clear enough."
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>not knowing the shitposter being referenced
i'm kinda jelly tbh

>mfw ancient troll physics
holy shit
is that 1x gearing?
this man was a head of his time. what a genius.
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If y'all haven't bought a carradice bag you're doing yourself a disservice.
This is my second one, I use it every day, brilliant peice of kit.
There's a guy who sells factory seconds on ebay with mild cosmetic issues , would recommend buying those
yea early SRAM


Who else big bag here? An urban cycling bag needs to be over 30 litre capacity tbh
Only messengers need bags. Delete thread.
Some of us ride further than 1 mile a day
But you don't need a messenger bag, messenger bags are used for quick access. Not riding long distance.
Na fam, you need this
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>But you don't need a messenger bag, messenger bags are used for quick access. Not riding long distance.
>implying messenger bags are the only bags

I use a Nashbar rack trunk like pic related, except mine doesn't have the side pockets.
Plus I'm not on a 'bent.
I carry a fairly large camera (big zoom lens, not a pocket point-n-shoot), so I need something bigger than a seat-bag.
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I'm looking to buy an Osprey radial bag for commuting (1 bike, no rack option) and general use off the bike. Would getting the radial 34 be overkill? I'm a 5'6" manlet anyways. Also wondering if the back ventilation mesh actually works.
Made in minneapolis by messengers, and since you're a messenger you get a discount. Unless you think you need a messenger bag and aren't a messenger like most people here.
don't do it
backpacks are awful

what the fuck man
Been using a 32 liter jansport for about 13 years now. You always have space, but if you never need that space it's useless right? I probably could have gone smaller, but there were times when I used piratically the max capacity for non bike related trips.

Also I would stay away from bags that don't have those clips that keep the main compartment tight. It's not a big deal when you are walking but constantly annoying when the items keep on fighting their way back. Or just use a bungee.

As for ventilation, it'll help but it's not the cure from the back bunny. The cure for that is racks, and there is always an option.
mine, I have 2 of these and got them at a gunshow. For a randomly foreign made bag its quality is good and there are tons of pockets to help keep things organized inside.

>being this mad

your pathetic ass would be dropped in the first 100m of corkscrew.
i just wear my duffle bag and do the straps up really tight so it doesn't hang
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I don't want to carry a tent, sleeping bag and everything else with me. Thin wheels, light frame, minimal weight on myself. I will sleep under the stars or under a roof if the weather is bad.
In fact I have already done this for sixteen days this last summer, and it went better than expected. Slept under the stars twice on the roof of a concrete building. The only thing extra I had one me like I said was the backpack. Doing 30kmph averages gets you pretty far in a day when touring. Doubt you'd be able to do that with panniers loaded with stuff.

Are they waterproof?
You could check out frame bags like they use for bikepacking. I'm not sure if it's a real fear or not, I feel like it will make crosswinds more of a problem but otherwise they seem pretty good for minimalistic treks.
>ignorance: the post
even with full bags, like 60lbs combined it's pretty easy to make it 100 miles in 7 hours.
also, there's a thing call "sport touring" or "randoneur" just incase you don't want to go full touring like an LHT.
Look up the space horse or something.
It's counter productive to get the wrong type of bike and then strap stuff on top of it. Don't believe industry hype.
nice summary of every durian rider video ever.
Up vote
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So far for my Gunnar Crosshairs sport touring setup I've got a Carradice Nelson seatbag that i've had for ages (awesome) which will attach to a green brooks and rest on the rack, a stainless Tubus Cargo & black Ortilieb back roller classics are in the post. The cargo is meant to give extra heel clearance so hopefully it will work with my Crosshairs which has a shortish wheelbase. Frame is a 60cm and cranks are 170 which should help.

I've got a Son Delux dynamo hub also in transit, so probably gonna get a Nitto m12 or similiar to mount a Edelux II (looks) or Luxos-U (usb charging) on. Large handlebar bag will go on that (not sure what though). I wanted to get Paul Touring cantis for the front, but apparently they can't mount with a rack so I have to rethink the front rack or the brakes.

Then probably strap either gear (tent one side, gas canister other side) or extra bottle cages onto either fork leg with a DIY hoseclamp or p clamp setup. A third cage will go under the downtube with hose/ p clamps and probably a few more sneaky things strapped on in other places.

Getting pretty hyped right now fam.
>having literally no idea who he's referencing
Jesus H Christ, could you meme any harder?
poorfag detected
>as you can see from my internet-approved memebrands, I am not poor
Aside from the gunnar none of that shit is even expensive, it's just meme as fuck
the frame was second hand, pretty cheap. What do u mean by 'meme' ?
I used to be a messenger but not anymore and I use my messenger bag still, it's convenient if you don't have a car. The bags are huge as fuck and you can fit like two cases of beer in them.

I wouldn't mind buying something from the USA but because of the currency exchange rates and postage it's not financially feasible for me at the moment. :(

The capacity of messenger bags is insane and they fit on your back really well due to how they're constructed. They're a decent investment tbh.

Are you really explicitly saying this stuff isn't expensive?
Even if you suck Grant Pederson's cock daily, you'd have to agree that all of this stuff is expensive and barely worth the price. I mean a single Paul brake costs about 3 times as much as a pair of tektro brakes.

Simply because I want to oppose the gross over generalization of "memey componentry" I'll do a run through the cost-to-value characteristics of the brands.

good value, small run steel frame production. comparable to surly.
classy traditional baggage company that's affordable if you need the class, if you don't need the class, get a banjo or jandd bag
great racks, pricey, but worth it. Great quality steel, many models. besides surly racks, these are the only ones worth buying new.
standard issue panniers, all around solid buy. more pricey than banjo bags, but not as pricey as other brands with same features.
Top of the line dynamos and lights, worth it if you'll use it regularly. If you want something cheaper, get a shimano dynamo. Also consider a super china LED light from ebay.
great variety of aluminium handle bars and decent stems. Racks and other accessories are overpriced "artisan" chotckeys. Nitto racks are way over priced for their measured weight, weight limits, and function, but at least they are nickle plated. (lol what 60$ bottle cage?)
Just under neath SON in terms of quality dynamos.
Ritzy, made in america, top of the line glamour components. if you want good value brakes, get tektros or IRDs. Mini motos are the only thing they make that is clearly the best in it's class.
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You're basically right. This bike is way more expensive than I've had before, but I do a lot of riding so i think i've earned it. It's going on a year long tour. I'm thinking fuck the Pauls now because apparently they take up too much space on the brake posts to easily mount a rack in front of them, It is paying for looks though, yeah. My only experience with Cantis is some early 80s Dia Compes on a 531ST frame which are pretty shit, even with Kool Stops.

Tektro CR720 are US$20 on wiggle which is insane seeing as they're well reviewed and look good. That'd be an obvious choice if this was a cross build, but I want to try and avoid high profile brakes because I'll be loading the bike a lot and don't want to snag stuff on them. Plus mud shedding shouldn't be an issue. I thought low profile brakes where stronger too. IRD Cafam II are cool but they're marginally more expensive than Paul Touring (both ~US$75 atm) and high profile.

The other low profile options i'm considering are TRP Revox - $111.36 for front and rear from Bike24 which seems pretty good, but they're black & Shimano BR-CX70 for $46 from Wiggle, but i'm not sure if they'll work well with the 600 tricolor or Tiagra R400 levers i'll use, and not the Super-SLR cable pull they're designed for. Wat do?

Also should I use a headset spacer cable hanger or one on the caliper brake mount? Headset is a 1" Cane Creek 40 and I'll have quite a few 1" spacers, plus a shimmed 1 1/8" stem.

A Sunlite Gold Tec Front Rack is looking pretty good but it doesn't have a headlight or a fender mount. Nitto M12 is ~US$75. What other options are there? My Nitto noodles are going on this bike which are awesome strong and well designed bars. My nitto quill is great too. Nitto is extremely high quality in my experience. I've had a few welds fail on cheap bottle cages and this bike will get wet a lot. Any advice on fenders? Rims are Mavic A719 and tires probably 32-35mm Pasela TG or Marathons.
mini vs are a way better design than old school cantis
As far as I can tell, the Paul cantis are 110$ and IRD are 80$. The thing I like about both of them that puts better than Tektro is that BMX style sealed pivot mechanism with simpler tension control. I wouldn't doubt they are a little less flexy as well.

I prefer headset mounted cable hangers. Less cable housing. Straight line of cable down the headtube looks pretty. Especially if you can get one of the Quick Release diacomps. Set it up in reverse as a parking lock.

for front racks, that little sunlite is fine for the price. it's aluminium, so don't load it up with too much beer. If you go chromoly lookat blackburn or jandd too. Maybe get something with pannier rails for the price.

for fenders, get the ~40mm SKS fenders. Beige would look great on a dark blue bike.
> I mean a single Paul brake costs about 3 times as much as a pair of tektro brakes.
Not really, I just paid like $120something per brake for a pair of TRDs, I forget the exact amount but those Pauls look like they cost about $100, hence not 3 times as much as tektro.

I ride more than a mile a day, I use a rack.
Christ almighty, did you read the thread.
You can get a pair of tektro CR720s for 40 bucks.
One Paul cantilever costs 110.
It's right here. In this very thread.

And yes, there's a difference between Tektros and TRPs.
I use a Camelbak M.U.L.E. I've got hella space and the camelbak holds three liters of water, keeping my bike light and my pockets empty.
But I do want a messenger bag because I'm a single-speed fag, any suggestions?
Stop being a fag
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Any opinions on the standard Ortlieb bag? Currently I'm using my Jansport bag from 6th grade for messenger work so it's time to step up.
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