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ITT: Great songwriters, horrible people
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ITT: Great songwriters, horrible people
>Great songwriter

Barrett was a thousand times more talented
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What are these called again?
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Just to get it out of the way
every beatles member fits this bill honestly
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>forced syd to take lsd despite it fucking with his schizophrenia, just so he could take control of the band
>bullied richard wright to quit the band and get on hard drugs
>deleted david gilmours good take of dogs just to spite him
>tried numerous times to kill david
>wrote a very homophobic, antisemitic, racist song he tried to pass off as deep sophisticated commentary
>believes the great lawful nation of Israel should be destroyed and Sharia law should reign over Western Europe
>pushed nick mason into one of those tar pits in pompeii
>told syd to never show his face again at his sudden reemergence in 75, also stole his wallet
>used syd's royalty income to pay the debts from the failed the wall tour
>exposed richard to constant radiation giving him terminal cancer
>recorded a momentary lapse of reason, but retroactively left the band and blamed everything on david when it received awful reviews
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>Bad person
>bad people
gilmour was 10 times better a songwriter and an instrumentalist
How are George, Ringo and Paul bad people?
They've all done bad stuff, sure, but they all seem decent enough blokes
scams ppl out of tapes just to fuel his cocaine addiction
more like
>does all the shitty work that nobody else in the band can/will do
>other members taking the absolute piss to come up with anything on their own and put it to record
>everyone else gets mad when after 12 years of holding his band together through various crises, he takes the helm
>30+ years later is literally fighting through angry kikes who hate him because he stands up for Palestine and other human rights abuses actively
yeah real nasty crook bad man
I had to remove Swans from my library when I heard what Michael had done, still very conflicted on listening to The Glowing Man or seeing them live.
bait, technicolor bait, you're gonna need a bigger bait, yada yada...
I dont get it. What did he do that was so special? He wrote nice songs and all, solid work. But i dont heard the revolutionar songwriting that everyone else proclaims to see.

What's wrong with me /mu/? Am I a pleb?

Did I fall for a meme?
Wot diddy du?
Listen to Barrett. Scaruffi has a really good analysis of Love Song.
Yes, Syd Barrett is a meme. You'll understand this when you wrap your ears around his painfully bad solo work, also, when you realize literally 2 years after Pink Floyd's "star man they could never do without" is gone, they start making better music.
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>painfully bad solo work

Syd's music is perfection compared to melodramatic prog fedora man
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only counting his work in soul coughing

no it's not
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what has will done thats bad
only true one ITT so far

definitely flawed but I wouldn't call him a completely bad person

he is signed to a major label, which is basically worse than genocide for /mu/ users
ah yes, i forgot about the ol' /mu/ hivemind
>wrote a very homophobic, antisemitic, racist song he tried to pass off as deep sophisticated commentary
what song do you mean?
his attitude
That song is part of a fictional story and depicts the views of the also fictional main character in that story. It only makes sense when you put it into perspective with the album. It's not actually what he believes.
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>good songwriter
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Kevin Barnes is horrible person by most standards but sometimes you got drop the dead weight to make great art.

Also his documentary is the best band doc ive ever seen since it focused so heavily on the human element
>Kevin Barnes is horrible person by most standards
Really? How so? I legit have never heard anything like that
>I got a bike you can ride it if you like, It's got a basket and a bell that rings and things to make it look good.

10/10, brilliant lyrics, greatest songwriter to ever live.
Good in the field of pop, what's wrong with it?
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I don't think she's good tbhfam. Does she actually write the songs herself, because I thought she just wrote the lyrics?
Phil Spector and Wagner are two that come to mind.
This tbqh. I mean he could be an asshole during that time but I'd hardly call him a horrible person. He seems to have mellowed a lot with age.
furaffinity account
He cheated on Nina a shit ton allegedly, people I've met from Athens who know band members tell me that when they go on tour kevin has 'a girl in every port'.

Don't know how true this is though he makes sick music
Nina knew about it though

I think they agreed to some kind of weird open marriage
I don't know about you but I'm more worried about this "It's different for girls" bullshit he's on now
I wish he'd stop going on about his fucking father and how awful the governent was for "killing" him
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Both of these. I think Floyd would have been better if Syd could have stuck around, but Roger did a damn good job at keeping the band together and making sure they actually put out material. Seeing the rest of the band flounder around like a fish thrown onto land after Waters' departure was both heartbreaking and hysterical, and really showed where the true talent was all along.
Was about to post this kek
Me too, I think he heard Golden Gal from Painting With and was like "I'm going to try and convey the same message of female empowerment only I'm going to come off as a massive fuckhead who doesn't actually care and is just trying to capitalize on the pc culture in the same way Ghostbusters 2016 is doing by casting all females as different"

Like dude, just go back to songs with whimsical stories about girls making out with corpses and cops watching
His solo work is shit thought, sounds like mom rock to me.
He was accused of rape like a month ago but it turned out to be hogwash.

besides that he did use to beat up people at his shows for dancing. So he used to be kind of a bad person. He doesn't really do any of that stuff anymore though.
wtf i hate syd barret now
I preferred it when he was a psychologically perverted glam funk maniac, or at least a lo-fi twee rocker
dude The Wall is literally about Trump
Waters is an all-seeing prophet
I like Barrett but his fans are Morrissey-tier delusional, Waters is just as good or better. Barrett's fanbase who think of him as a god simply have a fascination with the mentally ill
>>exposed richard to constant radiation giving him terminal cancer
hang about what now

You don't say?
How is it living in Athens?
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