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Remain In Light vs Discipline
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Remain In Light vs Discipline
fear of Music
>white people stealing yet another thing from black people
I don't know???????
Which one is more noided, /mu/?
there's nothing remotely black about either
Niggers are incapable of such intricacy
Discipline has a clear southeast Asian influence though, despite its Irish cover art
Please stop being civilised you're appropriating white culture.
Go back to beating the umbongo's ooga booga.
>le white people stole it from black people maymay XD
Outta here
They literally did you're such a baby
Speaking in tongues
I repeat myself when under stress
I repeat myself when under stress
I repeat myself when under stress
I repeat myself when under stress

Remain in Light is better though, more consistent.
Discipline, while interesting, contains a good amount of filler, and has weaknesses in that it fails to entertain as much as Remain in Light. Furthermore, I feel that the production on Discipline sounds far more dated. Remain in Light however lacks the technical finesse of Discipline, and it admittedly far more pop oriented.
Sheltering Sky > The Overload
Matte Kudasai > Listening Wind
Thela Hun Gingeet > Once In A Lifetime
Indiscipline > Seen and Not Seen

It's pretty clear who the victor is
I don't see how any of these songs are related to each other.
>falling for bait this incredibly obvious
how new?
I wasn't baiting
Awesome! I rarely hear people make connections between these two albums, though I always insist to my friends that they were "sister albums" of sorts. Both had Adrian Belew and Rhett Davies (and at this point Brian Eno had already made an impression on Fripp), they were released within a year or so of each other, and they have pretty similar sounds (fundamentally). Remain in Light, of course, is the more accessible of the two, boasting consistency, more easily digestible vocals, more straight time signatures, etc. Discipline, on the other hand, is experimental, adventurous, and more of an acquired taste for some people.

Although I'm more of a King Crimson fan (still love TH), I've found myself listening to Remain in Light far more frequently over the years. With Remain in Light, I can put it on in the background and enjoy it without needing to give it much attention, while with Discipline there's so much to pay attention to that it calls for more active listening.

I like both albums equally, though. I don't think there's any need to put them against one another, though they're certainly worth comparing for analysis' sake.
Discipline by far
Anecdotal: my father once jammed with Andrian Belew
why are you treating that as a bad thing though?
literally everyone is happier with shared culture and influences. Why do you want to segregate society?
Discipline of course
Quick reminder that Brian Eno did not deserve half writing credits for Remain In Light.

"Weymouth claims that most of the songs on Remain in Light came about from jams, yet only Byrne and Eno receive songwriting credits. "Eno called up David and said, 'I really think this is unfair,'" she says. "'I really think I did more work, and so I think you and I should get all of the credit.'"

That didn't go over well with the rest of the band. "Poor David got yelled at by a lot of people as a result," Weymouth says with a laugh. "But Brian and David were really into this credit thing, I guess."
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