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Post some Youtube-recommendations-core, fampais
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Post some Youtube-recommendations-core, fampais
they also recommended me this album, why?
Yeah I got this rec'd as well I actually have been enjoying it
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Thanks to the anon that recommended
What? I also had this album recommended thats fucking weird
Mort Garson - Mother Earth's Plantasia
Midori Takada - Through the Looking Glass
Yasuaki Shimizu - Kakashi
Deru - 1979
S U R F I N G - Deep Fantasy
The Sound Defects - The Iron Horse
Me as well
i got rec'd that too lmao
Stereolab - Dots and loops
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That Fucking Cat.jpg
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>Yasuaki Shimizu - Kakashi

it's a pretty good album tbqh
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Mort Garson is some good stuff
I got Benzaiten after listening to comus
>Midori Takada - Through the Looking Glass
every time
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>Midori Takada - Through the Looking Glass
This. Thankfully it's good.
I'd like to know the tagging magic they used to accomplish this
Matt elliott - drinking songs

It's pretty alright
I've been recommended this as well. There must be some youtube fuckery afoot.
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>S U R F I N G - Deep Fantasy
This but it's a great album.
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