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Challenge: name an entire genre that is more consistently garbage
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Challenge: name an entire genre that is more consistently garbage than country. Pro tip: you can't
There's so many plebs on this board complaining about country but have no conception of what can really count as country. Listen to Blaze Foley
>he cant get into post-country
lmao pleb
Im referring to what is considered contry music for the past 20 years. Not denying there is some great country music, but now? The whole genre's gone to shit
>the whole genres gone to shit
Correction: popular country has gone to shit.
You're heir not looking at the unpopular country. I can say the same about rock, "there's no worse genre than rock, I mean the bands of the past twenty years are shit!" And then name only stuff my mom listens to on the radio.

Just ignore pop country anon.
>implying the dean isnt the greatest artist of the last 20 years
country at least has quite a few classics, metal hasn't produced anything of any worth at all outside of about 2 albums 20-30 years ago
noise """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""music""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
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