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what is the grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup of music
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File: HUNGRY.jpg (528 KB, 1375x1375) Image search: [Google]
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what is the grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup of music
goddamn you I want that now so badly.
uhh Im just going to go ahead and make the sandwich
would go great with some 'go 'za
Grilled cheese?
More like Grilled Ch--she-
More like grilled shit

So any Radiohead album cuz they're all shit
looks tasty as fuark (rip zyzz 2011 if anyone remembers him)
Eminem. Something popular that's never bad but it isn't too good either, it just does its job but sometimes it tastes better than usual.
are you shitting me

that looks A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
god I hate women

toasted bread and tomato soup is awesome but why cheese? that's just gross
Have you ever had a grilled cheese

no I am from Europe
They don't have cheese over there?
>what is the grilled cheese sandwich
Bon Iver
>and tomato soup of music
Kanye West

Prove me wrong.
cheese is haram
especially in merkelistan
Kanye is rather like plastic bag

We just don't grill it.

Also if you dunk the cheese sandwich in the soup it would just get all mushy and gross wouldn't it? Or do you take a bite then a spoon of soup?
It's worth trying

Also it's not like bread + cheese + tomato is an uncommon combination, just ask Italy
Shut the fuck up.
is /mu/ full of fat people like most boards?
File: deepdish.jpg (635 KB, 1366x1194) Image search: [Google]
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you don't want some of this?
that looks disgusting, way too much topping not enough dough
never figured I hsould have tomato soup with my grilled cheese before. seems like an okay idea. emperor tomato ketchup is the logical album btw.
you dont even know me
o i am laffin
admittedly grilled cheese sandwiches are p tasty

you have to hand it to amerilards for finding a way to make their plastic """cheese""" squares edible somehow
you don't fuckin soak the sandwich in the soup you dumb yurostink, you just dip it in real quick
bruce springsteen.

very accessible and an undeniable classic.
>Implying that the southwest hasn't mastered queso after years of absorbing their neighbor's flavors to the south
>"american cheese is all plastic"
o i am laffin
some of it is a spray
Underrated post

that would work - it's what I do with bread. but there would still be the cheese problem
>but there would still be the cheese problem

There is no problem. It is melted cheese, do you have an issue with melted cheese?
what cheese problem, what third world country could you live in where cheese would be a problem?
i eat grilled cheese and tomato soup when i'm sick, so something that comforts me or is easy to ingest while i'm down?

probably mountain goats
First thing that comes to mind is Frank Zappa
I thought the same.

I was going to say Vashti Bunyan, but probably any extremely comfy folk.
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