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ITT: We share our stupid music stories >be me >be young
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ITT: We share our stupid music stories

>be me
>be young
>just get done watching scary movie
>shit bricks.jpg
>look for something to take my mind off it
>dig through dad's music
>find Nevermind
>listen to it entirely
>even more scared
>near shaking
>lay there for a bit
>Endless Namless begins to play
>Literally think Satan has possessed the music player
>too scared to listen to Nevermind again for years
that was stupid
>be me
>receive a CD of Green Day's magnum opus "American Idiot"
>put the disc into my stereo/radio
>listen to the album front to back while following along with the lyrics in the booklet
I was a major faggot when i was a kid
holy shit did you kill yourself later?
>be me
>be a fucking idiot
>buy a bunch of radiohead CDs
>they're pretty good, get me into music and make me into the man I am today
>>66224949 (OP)
>be me
>buy nevermind as a kid, this was only a few years after kurt died whichi didnt really understand
>CD has a bunch of stupid stickers on the package if you remember how CDs were packaged back then with excessive stickers
>I literally put the silver sticker over the baby's penis
>on the actual booklet
>older brother cringed as I did it, and simply sighed instead of trying to explain

the funny part is now, 20 years later, I have way better music taste than him yet he still condescends me about art and music, and it is definitely rooted in formative memories like this one.
Looks like cp to me
Why are you faggots writing >be me at the beginning?
What music do you both listen to
Leave, newfag.
Were you also 17 year old me at one point in time?
because the first guy wrote be me
>>music taste

fav album?
because thats how oldfags green text right?

It's straight out of reddit.
Embarassing as shit man. I'd have killed myself if I were you
HE: listen to nostalgia crap like Dave mathews band, nine inch nails, phish, but not even really he just kinda backgrounds it and goes to the shows mainly looking for random hookup girls

ME: listen to constant stream of music... I could be a music critic at this point,
Let it go, dude. It's July.
>ME: listen to constant stream of music... I could be a music critic at this point,
if I had to choose, id say loveless, all things considered, its not the end all be all of music but I do appreciate how much work went into the writing and sound of it and it aged very well. maybe laughing stock is a close second
really could though, didn't know where to start, I listen to even more than anthony fantano
No, I was about 13 or 14 then.

>implying oldfags greentext at all
>be me
>be 13
>get into death metal
ruined my life desu senpai
>fav album is a babby's first gaze
>fav album is beyond /mu/core
Christ, man. Your bait is gnarly.
your bro sounds more patrician and less pretentious tbhwyfam.
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Damn this is bait ain't it
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None can surpass Antwon
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>he cant read
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