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Would this album have received as much criticism if Axl had released
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Would this album have received as much criticism if Axl had released it under another band name or as his solo project?

I don't think it would. There's some great songs on there, as good as anything original GN'R put out.
i will fight anyone who tries to say "street of dreams" is a bad song

also axl had the balls to conflate his ego with a fucking mlk speech at least a year before kanye
There's some good shit on there no doubt.
>i will fight anyone who tries to say "street of dreams" is a bad song

Did he ever give a reason to why he renamed it from 'The Blues'? Street of Dreams just sounds kinda... gay.
Its a standalone great album, gnr? not really, but great rock and roll album
>listening to any guns and roses that isn't the first one

don't even bother replying to this with ">listening to guns and roses at all" you pieces of crap

Do you mean the first incarnation of the band or the first album?
first album of course

But there's some great songs on Lies and Use Your Illusions. The only reason UYI isn't on AFD's level is because it's a double album with a bunch of filler. Take the best 12-13 songs on them, make it into one album and it would comfortably blow AFD out of the water.
It would have been better received if it was released while GNR was still relevant.
It's not a bad album.
This track is an amazing song
Also I enjoyed listening to buckethead play in a non-meme non-wankery environment
'Better' could have been a big radio hit. Can't believe they didn't go with that as the lead single.
Honestly, there's a bunch of good songs on there. Catcher in the Rye, Better, Madagascar, ect. It's certainly better than the Spaghetti Incident, although tht isn't saying much.
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