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chart for noise rock?
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File: Big Black.jpg (50 KB, 700x700) Image search: [Google]
Big Black.jpg
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chart for noise rock?
check the wiki
Sonic Youth
Early Unwound
Lightning Bolt
The Jesus Lizard
Dinosaur Jr.

Those are the absolute essentials
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here's an old one
Anything new lately?
albums for each?
Daydream Nation
Fake Train/ New Plastic Ideas
Generic Flipper
Wonderful Rainbow
You're Living All Over Me

And check out Pink by Boris too
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essential noise rock 2.jpg
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Cherubs - Heroin Man
Was Big Black aware that to the people here it would look like the album cover references the penis of an African-American?

When they designed the cover, did they just think it was referencing sex in general? The continuity between the fonts suggest they were embracing the BBC meme even in the '80s
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here's another chart I found
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Noise_rock orig.jpg
2 MB, 1575x1636
This one is probably the most thorough.
I've made my way though quite a few of these records.
thanks anons
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