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Will the on coming UK recession bring about a new wave of depraved,
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Will the on coming UK recession bring about a new wave of depraved, tattered musicians?
why don't we just split the uk into two

one side for the leave voters, and one side for remain

Everyone gets their little side and they're split by some tape, perfect idea isn't it
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So like The Berlin Wall?
Great idea, I love it.
Fuck that, Civil War or burst.
UK will recover in due time. The value of the sterling dropped based on speculation due to this event being unprecedented. Truth is we don't really know what will happen. UK could easily develop stronger trade ties with the Commonwealth and European corporations aren't going to abandon the UK market. A US under Trump would be open to negotiating a trade deal with an independent UK, while an Obama/Clinton administration would not.

Or UK could be fucked for a long time. Either way, no Turkroaches, so there's a plus.
laugh all you want but that wall was fuckin lit, had its own mural and everything
Sorry but Clinton's gonna win it. That's just a bitter pill you're gonna have to swallow.
Scotland wants out now, though. We're fucked. And I voted to leave, Jesus Christ.
If it weren't for that wall, we wouldn't have Bowie's Berlin trilogy. It was a good wall, dindo nuthin.

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>mfw all the patrician British Isles voted remain
you regret your vote?
And they said UK had no chance of leaving, that it's just some far-right loons, yet here we are. If there's a global recession in the coming months, Obama gets the blame from the electorate and Trump sails into the White House. I don't really care too much for Trump but I think you'd be stupid to be so dismissive of his chances after he's proven everyone wrong time and time again and with Brexit happening.
And Northern Ireland
Speculation or not the UK just suffered it's biggest economic contraction since 1921, you don't recover lightly from something like that. It's going to be a lean few months at best and a hell of a decade for the british at works. But it'll be fine, in the end. Mostly sorry for the people who will be entering the work force during that period.
She has no movement behind her, while Trump does.
Same thing with the Brexit: just because one side is pushed in the media and predicted in the polls does not mean it will win.
WWIII soon?
Yeah, but NI actually costs England and Scotland money. Scotland on the other hand is a gold mine, or oil mine. We need them to stay, and they're the ones who want to leave the most. We are fucked.
Yeah... I fell for the memes. Immigration is sitll a problem, but not a problem bigger than the worst state the pound has been in since WWII.
The UK's economic position has been weakened by this vote, in all likelihood for decades.
Despite Obama's statements, any US regime will negotiate a new trade deal - in all liklihood it'll be a worse one than what the UK has now. The same will apply to trade deal with practically any other country or bloc, particularly the EU.

>no Turkroaches, so there's a plus.
Brexit makes importing workers from the developing world just as convenient as it would be to get them from the EU as visa hassles would apply equally, so if anything there'll just be a lot more pajeets everywhere. oh and they're not kicking anyone out so all the poles etc stay as well.

good job, lads. :okhand:
Nah. EU's too cucked to fight.

If anything I think France and Netherlands will hold referendums shortly after this.
There can't be another world war anymore, at this point it's proxy wars or complete nuclear annihilation, and the later is fucking retarded as it's basically mass suicide.
i'm just glad england is england again and we can make our own decisions
We surrendered the next 20 years. But we'll be stronger than ever after. Not sure if it's worth it tbqh.
But I wanna live in france without doing extra shit :^(

wtf britfags
So am I still able to study abroad...
unless new movement deals are negotiated you'd have to jump through the same hoops as the rest of the world: apply for visa, classed as international student, higher fees, limited access to benefits and hour per week you can work.
DO IT NOW before they leave for real.
edit: you won't have to worry about this sort of thing for at least 2 years however.
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We can only hope.

Can we just undo this and forget it ever happened?
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i doesn't even fit in the box any more
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Now I might as well go to Russia.
can someone tl;dr this for me? why does the UK want to leave the european union, and what will happen if they do?
>Now I might as well go to Russia
Look-up the Crazy Rouble Threads on /int/ and /pol/.
tariffs and economic sanctions
pound is unstable because markets/economists aren't sure what will happen and investors are wary of investing in the uk market. this event is unprecedented.
>upper left checked
That's a skyskraper and some chimneys, m8. You'll want to check the middle, bottom left and bottom center boxes instead.
Yeah I know I got it wrong lol.
When do I start my mass online shopping?
it's ticking back up now but it'll probably dive again in a little bit.

some projections putting it at 1.2 settled but this is uncharted territory.
just like Remain will win right?
UK going at it alone. Seems true to character, since when do they really identify with those "continentals"? Although, they don't really have quite the empire anymore, and I suppose this probably means even closer relations w/ the US.

In terms of music? Who knows!
the UK is still a highly skilled and developed economy
it's not going to fall into a new dark ages because your neoliberal masters told you it would
this is far worse for the EU than it is for the UK
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Perceived population of muslims: 20%

Actual population: 5%

here in america we have 5% asians...12% african american, probably 5 or 10% hispanic, lol, europeans are so retarded thinking 5% is some sort of huge amount of the population.
When will Britain learn? This shows how retarded Brexit supporters really are. When shit hits the fan, they will again blame 'left-side politics' when it is they themselves that cause the fire.
The Netherlands is also planning to hold referendums against the EU.

The American proxy state's (aka the EU) days are numbered.
I'm sorry I'm Hungarian and I've never seen a Muslim there. How can the public say 7%...
Yeah, but American news has said Europe is being taken over by Muslims for awhile. And Britain is just so big an island. How far can we blame them for buying into the same thing our reactionaries have been saying forever?

Granted, any weakening of the EU benefits America, since we stand far stronger against a divided Europe.
>any weakening of the EU benefits America
other way around
Not so much. America has a huge amount of economic heft, which any individual European nation can't really hope to match. A united Europe threatened to eclipse us in that, or stand our equals. As it is, individual European nations have far less influence.
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