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What do you think of the new album? I personally love it. Even
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What do you think of the new album? I personally love it. Even though Heartthrob felt like a misstep to me, and this is mostly the same style, it works so much better here.
i like their haircut i am cutting my hair like that when i get bored of mine
It's music designed to be background music, none of it stood out or really connected.

It was like being stuck at a fucking outlet mall
U Turn is the only song I remember.
First and last song best songs.

It's a good album, as a major fan I'm just glad about that. Comparing it to the rest of their discography it's on the low end for sure (only better than UFLO) but to me the bar for them is very high so I didn't expect it to top The Con or So Jealous or anything like that.
It's garbagio, I've lost all hope for tegan and sara and im going to pretend they broke up after sainthood
but Get Along though
shit sucks
I'm not surprised to see people reacting negatively, I wasn't expecting to like it all. Different strokes I guess.

I just felt like it was even worse than the already bad Heartthrob. HeartThrob at least has Closer and other nice songs on it. This was like a pop album without any of the catchiness.
Boyfriend and U-Turn stand out as particularly catchy tracks to me. It's making me want to revisit Heartthrob and re-evaluate it.
I agree that it's a weaker Heartthrob but Closer was never a standout track from me on that album to begin with. Don't know why.
At first listen i thought it was just ok. After a second go around i found myself really liking it. Now i wish they would go back to playing instruments.
I'm really getting into it but I went

1. Boyfriend
2. U Turn
Then I just started at the beginning and on FoH right now
That Girl and Hang on to the Night are my favorites. Faint of Heart grew on me the more I listened to it.
Cool '80s style cover. Not listening to this shit though
It kinda kicked my ass and I'm pretty excited too because I really wanted to like this but was kinda disappointed when I heard the first side last week. I think at first Boyfriend just towered over the others so much that I gave up. Really looking forward to getting this in rotation.
It made its way into my rotation by about the third listen. It has a ceiling for me though, unlike most of their other albums.
It's catchy but not really interesting to me. I've never been much of a Tegan and Sara fan though so my opinion is a little biased.
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