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Is this the first piece of music that mattered? Name something
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Is this the first piece of music that mattered?

Name something better pre 1741.
lol wtf is that horn doe doing in a parking lot rofl
obviously it's looking for its car lmoa

niggers stole it anyway XD

imagine a doe driving a car hahaha
I didn't know there were niggers, albums and parking lots in 1741 alredy too mind=blown hhhahhaa
That we know of probably. Its interesting to think about the potential music lost to time/nature through all of history though.

You're all shit.
>All these shitposts
>Not knowing about music before Bach

You're all fucking retards. Get the fuck out and don't try and discuss music here again.
Answer the OP then
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First you've got to define what "mattered" to music. For example there are hundreds of years of important music which is still performed today (renaissance and medieval periods), as well as that, you also have contemporaries from the baroque period (Handel, Monteverdi, Vivaldi, etc). Again, I'm still not really sure what "the first piece of music that mattered" means (if anything at all). You may want to add some actual definitions, if you want a discussion.
Answer the damn question or just fuck off
The Brandenburgs are not even a particularly significant part of Bach's works, they are just the most popular these days. His music was regarded as conservative and old fashioned by the end of his life as almost everything he did was proceeded by someone earlier. Desipte being the populist choice, Vivaldi's works are probably more significant, and even Bach "covered" him.
How about suck balls you little girly faggot.
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In terms of mere popularity, I'd say that Vivaldi's Four Seasons, despite being trite and obnoxious af, are as relevant as the Concertos, and they were published in 1725.
However, I say that Monteverdi's Orfeo or Combattimento could be other good examples.
>you're a girly faggot
10/10 comeback
>listening to hold music
Monteverdis 1610 vespers.
what, are you afraid of listening to something you cannot understand?
Please hold for an answer.
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