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Who in here likes Billy Joel? And what's your favorite BJ's
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Who in here likes Billy Joel? And what's your favorite BJ's song?

The Stranger is 10/10 desu
Piano Man is a really solid album. Billy the Kid and Captain Jack are fucking killer tracks.
I agree. The stranger is his best album (my favorite song is Vienna)
can't say I'm a huge fan, but I like pressure, mostly because of that opening riff and I can relate to the lyrics

the stranger balls.
its corny, but for the longest time.
He's a Telentless Hack-ack-ack-ack-ack.
you outta go right now (you outta go right now)

but srs get the fuck out of this thread
god tier joel

I'd say Scenes from an Italian Restaurant

>dem harmonies
I love a lot of songs on 52nd Street. My favorite one is Zanzibar
>The Stranger is 10/10 desu
I like it but that is inflated ratings more like 7/10
A lot of his work is pretty corny but he does have talent
Agreed. Turnstiles & Nylon Curtain are where it's at. Glass Houses is a big contender too
>Movin' Out
excellent taste detected
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