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I'm looking into buying this Fender strat, but something doesn't seem right about it. I looked up the serial number and it checks out as a japan model, but there's also some numbers on the back of the neck. They look normal for japanese models, but there are no markings on the neck pocket on the body. Any tips?
File: IMG_4218.jpg (2 MB, 4032x3024) Image search: [Google]
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File: IMG_4219.jpg (2 MB, 4032x3024) Image search: [Google]
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A strat neck of course

It's a strat but I'm trying to authenticate it and find out exactly what it is
don't take my word for it but i'm pretty sure strat's all have an ® after the fender and stratocaster
Yeah thats what I thought.
it could be an older one but it could also be a fake

if you cant find anything on it take it to a shop, ask whoever you bought it from, or just play it and have it be a mystery
It looks like it could be an ST-557


The stamps look right. Still does look a little funny though, (because of the different bridge) I personally wouldn't risk it unless it's really cheap.
bridge looks fucked, don't pay more than $200 for it.
Car Deat Headrest's Twin Fantasy
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