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Help /mu/ what music do you listen to while working out? Post
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Help /mu/ what music do you listen to while working out?

Post artist, albums, songs whatever you feel is worth sharing.

Pic very much unrelated.
I listen to the live performance of the gym. Pleb.
Wait you think people on /mu/ work out?
>not making a field recording of the gym and listening to it when you go to the gym next

fuck you, pleb, get off my board
>he listens to Fag deFarto
It depends, man, Normally i listen to Japanese music because that's make me think about nothing so i get better concentration.
When i have to do any late work i listen some "hard jazz" like Buddy Rich.
If i'm relaxed i like to listen to Mac DeMarco, Ariel Pink, Boards of Canada, Aphex Twin, IDK.
post punk,black metal,death metal
certain bleep tunes. Used to like titus andronicus YOU ALWAYS BE A LOSER
during pr sets and shit but I hate punk now.
>not recording cosmic silence and listening to it 24/7
ese mac de marco gueno ahi. a ver como sale el nuevo disco.
Pretty standard fuckboy shit, Lil Wayne, Gucci, Thugga, maybe some death metal if the energy is right.
I listen to Electro and Prog House for cardio (mainly deadmau5) and various Metal subgenres for lifting (Whitechapel is my go-to).
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