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Why normies praise him so much? I think he's overrated
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Why normies praise him so much? I think he's overrated
Why do normies praise Scaruffi so much? I think he's a hack and so are the people that that his opinions for granted
that word is just a code for "i'm a pretentious douchebag"
Because he is a skilled musician. It's not even a matter of taste, he just is.
Define 'normie'.
you seriously think everyone's properly rated? this post is code for "i'm a sheep"
Just look in the mirror
so, anyone on /mu/ that isn't op apparently. lol
remember it's summer so ultra edgy posts are coming
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Get a load of mister snowflake.

Lmao, might be time to reevaluate your life my man.
Or end it.
Hello newfriend :)
He's very talented, indeed, but it's important to notice that the big aura of mistery that surrounds the guy is what makes his sounds special, not the sounds by themselves. He gained this "mistery" back in the day when he started to pull out stuff that nobody else made at the time. That being said, if some unknown dude released Richard's tracks today he would pass through completely unnoticed.
mistery huh
makes me remember that picture of moot admitting that traffic doesn't increase during the summer
Too bad moot doesn't own this site anymore, also that statistic is flawed, just experience this site for yourself. It does get 'edgier' during the summer.
because all the nerds are agitate by the heat,
>big aura of 'mistery'
It doesn't increase because a lot of people don't visit during summer especially for this reason. If you've been more than a year on 4chan you can clearly see the transition
he is quite the mister indeed
Whether someone is overrated or underrated, it doesn't matter. It doesn't affect their music itself.

Get over yourself. You're not better than anyone else.
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richard d. james is such a jack-off.

he twists some knobs on "*LE DAW*" and ppl freak out over how lame it is just like venitian snares.

they should just make demo shit for the audio industry production industry but ppl taking it as art can suck my piphole

***le complex polybeat break much fast much complex wow*********muh analog compositions that sound like toiletpiss****
That's retarded, /mu/ shits on popular artists all year round, you really think someone with massive critical acclaim would never have have someone disagree with their acclaim?
I agree 'aphex' twin is a 'hack'.
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who is the mistereous james
He's still a legend in my mind but he's been resting on his laurels for far too long imo. He can craft sweet funky acid jams, I think we're all aware of that by now, but he really should go outside his comfort zone more often.
fuck you gondola. you ain't even got hands. you can't jack off
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time for druqks round two please
Reminder that his work as The Tuss is by far and away his best.
alberto balsam is is best song.
my nigga
> normies
> praise
how? he cant play an instrument properly. He almost always fucks up live. You can say he writes good music but again a matter of opinion. The best ill give you is he is a good producer.
>musicians means playing an instrument
truthfully the only thing I unabashedly praise by Aphex Twin is Selected Ambient Works II. I am not a fan of the majority of his IDM catalog.
Druqks is ace, pretty ahead of its time if you ask me. And I don't see normies praising him, if you ask any 18 year old they won't have a clue who he is
>People on this board right now are thinking that lyrics don't matter at all on an album

wrong thread oops
>thinking lyrics matters
Lyrics don't matter. It's like story in a porno. Everyone expects it to be there but it doesn't really matter.
That's a fucking insane statement. Of course lyrics matter on certain albums and with certain artists. Saying roundly that lyrics "don't matter" is akin to saying, "Guitars don't matter on this album! Even though they're an element on every song!"

You're just ignoring a part of the piece that you don't feel comfortable examining.
Can't say I've ever noticed it. This site is filled with cunts 9/10 times, 24/7 across every board I've ever regulared. The only difference is that people start using 'Summer' for a few months as an insult rather than cuck or whatever the relevant meme is at the time.
Go to /v/. You can taste the difference between November and August.
Take that back faggot, I love pornos with good scripts.
RDJ is capable of great stuff but the last time we had a taste of it was Drukqs. Syro was extremely well made and XMAS_EVET is incredible but i want to have my mind blown again.
Did you blank on his afx and tuss material? Dat shit is top notch breh.
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