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>no emo thread on /mu/ What has this world come to? http
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>no emo thread on /mu/

What has this world come to?
What anime is dat
No fucking clue fampai, just some edit I made

Anyways have some more emo
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Oh Jesus Christ that's the original, here's the edit

More emo as always
Holy shIt OP you're an autismo. Aren't you?
>"I like emo"
>lol you must be autistic then

Welcome to 4chan, everyone
not anime but they are characters from skullgirls
What happened to Nai Harvest? Feeling Better and Whatever were so good, their new shit is just trash though.
Just make /emoe/ if it isn't up
/emoe/ is dead, it's just a namefag clique now
They are really knowledgeable about music though
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emoes dead
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i want to die.jpg
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Anyone see The Hotelier on their tour yet? Loone and Told Slant were fucking amazing.

Also seeing Jack Senff do his solo shit in June, pretty excited for that
top kek
I wanted to catch Jack in Eugene next week, but it's a bit of a drive and I start a new job the next day, unfortunately.
Did you ever see his band North Folk? Idk where you're at, but then only ever played locally.
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smug loli.jpg
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>not an /emoe/ thread
>The Hotelier is mentioned
Also, it's been a while since I've browsed 4chan, and if this is what emo threads are like now, they kinda suck.
I miss elmo, judy, asob guy, & the other emo trips.
this desu
they only come out for /emoe/ since they know this thread is full of hotelier plebs

either way >>65551744 is correct, so I don't know which is worse
those weeaboos weren't wanted brother. and they acknowledged that
What do you guys think of Saosin?
I remember listening to a song or two from them way back when I was in middle school.
Currently listening to their new album Along the Shadow, and it's not bad...
im seeing them on the 23rd at Taste of Chaos. I'm still saddened that they kicked Justin (lead guitarist) out of the band; it's not the same without him and I noticed that on the new album. Happy that Anthony Green is the frontman though so theres that. All in all, I like the new album, it just hasn't really settled in yet
Why the fuck did she ask a person who eats ice cream every day why they're eating ice cream?
Lmao, /mu/ was at its height when it was full of trips
Somewhere between 2012 - 2014
they had better taste and were more knowledgable than you, asshat
What do you guys think of this pinto album? I know it was released a year ago, but it was just recently rereleased by bwm.

I think it's great, but anything Mark Jaeschke is in is usually good

At least there were still /emo/ threads when they were around
Says the namefag in disguise

If you HONESTLYYYYY believe what you said, at least in relation to anons, you're a delusional retard, famalam
why did the one girl ask the other girl why shes eating ice cream if she already knows she eats it everyday
I thought the same, but I figured it's just a rhetorical question.

Also I just figured out why it's called rhetorical.
What Is This Shit?
holy shit i've never seen that picture before

poor max, i'm glad he's happy now


You really think threads filled with shit are better than few good threads?
>filled with shit
they had a large amount of decent recs, and you're just a dweeb
Worst Skullgirls.
stop posting real kids koc
>tfw nouns will stop being relevant but hunter will always be on emoe chart
why do anons only ever post hotelier, twiabp, amfoot and nouns then?

i've never seen a harrison bergeron song posted in any of the emo threads by someone without a name
Yee, a lot of anons are shit, but namefags do not have better taste by definition.

I personally post quite some obscure stuff and shit hardly gets replies. That's not my fault.
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>obscure stuff
so why don't you post it again, maybe i'll respond???
On mobile, cba copypasting links but
or else swoon to death and invalids come to mind

check this band out >>65555003
I love their Translating The Name EP, their first self-titled album isn't that bad, but pretty bland. I really hoped that they would get back to that early Saosin with Anthony Green back togheter again, but they didn't. shame
Will do after work
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*smacks lips*
*breathes in*
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you too, refer to >>65560107
I really like this picture
i want this as an 50$ t-shirt
Thread replies: 60
Thread images: 11

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