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Alto Sax Questions
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Hello /mu/. I've played the alto sax for five years, but stopped because the horn I was playing wasn't very good and one of the pads fell out and I lost it. I was thinking of saving up and buying a new one, but I want to hear the opinions of others. As of right now, this is what I'm planning on getting:

- P Mauriat PMXA-67R with the dark lacquer
- Meyer Hard Rubber Alto
- Rovner Versa Alto Saxophone Ligature
- Gonzalez Reeds

How are my choices so far? Are there any better combinations? I'm set on getting the P Mauriat since it's not too expensive and it sounds good overall, but the ligature, mouthpiece, and reeds are the ones I'm having trouble with. Thoughts?
Spending a shit load of money isnt going to make you good. Buy beginner shit and get good on it then go back to the intermediate/pro models and you will be beastmode on them.

Also, dont buy horns online because no 2 are the same.try before you buy.
I've had a beginner for five years, that's why I wanted to get a better one.
I find that Gonzalez reeds fuck with my intonation. If you're looking for something free-blowing with good sound, try Vandoren V21.
what's the difference between the V16 and the V21? Because I was also looking at vandoren mouthpieces, but I wasn't sure which one to go with
I'm not entirely sure to be honest. To make things complicated, I've only played V16s on a basset horn with an alto clarinet mouthpiece, and I've only played V21s on a clarinet. I play Vandoren blue boxes on sax but I'm not that good at sax to be honest (I'm trained in clarinet mostly).
p.s. i'm sorry i said "to be honest" twice there
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Then i recommend taking a look at the yamaha YAS-62III instead of whatever hipster shit youre looking at. Sometimes the road less travelled is the wrong one.
it's all good. thanks for the input friend, I appreciate it

I don't really consider it hipster, here's a link to the horn

Also, this is the horn you're talking about, right?

What's your experience with the horn and how does it compare to others?
woops, wrong link for the horn you mentioned
Tuba player here but have a degree in music education. The saxophone pedagogues in my school all played yamaha(only one was sponsored) and that is the intermediate/pro model they all seemed to agree on.
Yes thats the yamaha im referring to.
cool, i'll definitely keep it on my list then. Did they have any preference in mouthpieces and ligatures?

cool, just making sure
Usually higher end selmer mouthpeices or really any "ebonite" mp. Ligatures are too personal for me to tell you what to do there. All the saxophonists i know have like 3+
thanks man, I appreciate your imput
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