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/amg/ - Ambient general thread
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Thread replies: 32
Thread images: 16
File: bass communion.jpg (309 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
bass communion.jpg
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>favorite ambient record?
>what do you love about this genre
Drone/noise/electronic influenced also accepted
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both great

also pic related
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Whats good from this year?
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Try this:

Max Würden - Transit
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Absolute essential
I think Street Horrrsing was better, though.
where can i download this shit, sounds great.

I love all their releases (although some of their B-sides aren't that great). I used to fall asleep to Street Horrrsing all the time.
I think Celer's Capri will be my eternal favorite and go to.

Haven't listened to these. Tell me more. Tried Bass Communion before (with Muslimgauze and one of his other albums) but it seemed really noisy.

Anyone have any recs that are like DeepChord or anything that gives that "city at night" ambient vibe?

Also a good recent release was Rafael Anton Irisarri - A Fragile Geography.
My favourite ambient album is SAW2, and I like lots of other ambient records but very few others sound like it. Are there any other essentials that are constructed from repeated melodies, rather than treated instruments or drones and stuff?
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Nah und Fern.jpg
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Nah und Fern
It's on soulseek, but only in flac
It's also in 320 when I searched just now.
the quietus recently published an article about "Little Fluffy Clouds" which was a neat read
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this has some very interesting moments. I rec it.
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Gas - Pop.jpg
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is there any other noise out there like Nil Admirari?
As a huge Steven Wilson fanboy I have barely given Bass Communon a try because I didn't like the first one much, are the others better
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Does pic related count?
This shit is awesome. It's not mine I promise. I do not know this artist personally.
Perfect music to end your life to. I mean that in the best way. It just has that profound feeling to it. Listen to the second release
La Reflexion
i guess it wasn't recently at all. still cool, though
thequietus com/articles/13775-the-orb-interview
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>he claims to be a dark ambient fan and hasnt listened to this
Thread replies: 32
Thread images: 16

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