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Where were you when you realised your music taste is shit and that the mastermind Arjen Anthony Lucassen is the greatest artist of all time?

>Using B T F O not on \sp\
>Making a shit bait thread IiteraIIy no one cares about

You're a huge faggot OP.
Youre a bkgger faggot for replying andd not being enlightened

Why do you do this? Post crap about some nonentity from some backshit nowhere country that nobody would ever recognize?

No...I've never heard of this person...will never here about this person, and I just don't gaf desu...
His stuff is pretty good but nowhere near the best at anything. Also he's starting to fall off as The Theory of Everything was not very good. And making nothing but concept albums gets pretty obnoxious after a while.
So who do you think is better Mr. Smartass?
How? Also I'm not going to fall into this naming artists thing only for you to tell me they're all shit. You're welcome to think Arjen is the best musician in the world and I do like the stuff he's done (and Ayreon was my favorite artist at one point in time) but I don't share your opinion about him being the best musician ever.
Then tell me who the fuck is better (Protip: you cant name such an aritst because it dosen't exist)
>(Protip: you cant name such an aritst because it dosen't exist)

lncorrect, l can but l won't because you're a huge fucking faggot starting shit threads.

>This entire thread is OP desperateIy samefaggoting
File: ayreon-4fcc6052c4290.jpg (546 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
546 KB, 1000x1000
Kys. Ayreon is the greatest artist of all time you fucking imbecile
Not even the best Dutch artist.
I like ayreon but posting this thread everyday is giving me fucking cancer.
>implying the GOAT isn't Vulfpeck
is this the new meme?
Thread replies: 15
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