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what do you do when listening to music?
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what do you do when listening to music?
Smell ass
your mom lol
Picture who? so cute
drive baby drive. crank that bass up. crank that AC up. crack open the cold can of coca-cola. pop those addies down the hatch. drive baby drive. swerve. turn it up. pan it left and right. flip the bird to an old fucker who complains. screech on the pavement in time with the beat. bang your head on the steering wheel. air drum that shit and dangerously swerve back into the right lane. drive baby drive

faster now. turn up the volume. sing at the top of your lungs. steer the whip down a steep hill and let the bass drop your stomach. open the windows, crank up the AC. drive baby drive. press that pedal to the fucking floor baby. turn up the volume. blast the hits of every year. dance a little shake in the rear view mirror

google image "pure
nudism" to get your answer
Do you not know who Jodie Foster is?
Well, I guess I'm going to jail now. Bye everyone. It's been nice knowing you all.
tfw when born in the wrong generation. good to see you are living free padre
sorry for my prosopagnosia. lol

do you unironically can get caught just by googling that in america?
watch movies
While listening to music?
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I don't listen to music.
play mario
browse porn
go to reddit
play tetris
Lay on my floor that's covered in tacks, it's gives me a really ethereal music experience.
only ironically.
ride my bike
stare in front of me
i think the only patrician way to listen to music is while walking and followed by while driving
i usually listen to music while running, falling asleep, driving, tedious tasks like cleaning or laundry, cooking, waiting, looking for more music, gardening, and sometimes while playing video games. i feel like music is best when it isnt being forced in any sort of way but then again, i listen to 1-2 albums a day.
stare at the wall
masterbate furiously to the djentiest song i can find. its hard to keep the rythem.
while walking, running, playing games, painting, on a bus or other ways of travel.
Although when playing or doing something which requires attention is not the greatest way I admit.
fuck off you degenerate
close your eyes and let the rhythm control you
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