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Someone explain powerviolence to me.
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Someone explain powerviolence to me.
it's just really bad punk
it's about fuck the man and playing fast
it's like grindcore but more punk leaning than metal
Its music some people develop a taste for after years of listening to hardcore / other "extreme" music. If you don't already listen to a lot of punk then I can't understand how you could possibly enjoy powerviolence.
it's loud and ugly and there's a dude going 'aaarrghh' and it makes you want to headbang/wreck shit
I only like it when it's played live. Makes for a fun show.
I lIke punk and hardcore but I just dony get powerviolence. I mean trash talk I'd cool so is infest but that's about it. I just think it's too edgy.
Fucking shit I'm way too drunk to be typing right now
I'm not a huge fan but there are some bands I like. Charles Bronson and Spazz are good too but I don't like Man is the Bastard.

Weekend Nachos are one of my favorite bands and some people consider them powerviolence but I'm not really sure. Early Harms way is good too.
Weekend nachos is pretty sick I like when they go "GEEEEEETTT FUUUUUCKEEDDD"
If you like them I'd try to catch them live while they're still on tour. They're breaking up this year after they release their final album.
Shit I'll probably go then. Most of my buds are going so why not.
Hardcore with blast beats. Also Weekend Nachos is not PV
You could argue that their first releases were though.
this is pv
Yea, but the majority of what they have put out is just hardcore.

Peep this and get that cookie cutter shit outta here
the drone bits are great
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