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explain how this is any different to coldplay i'm serious
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explain how this is any different to coldplay

i'm serious
Well it's a lot more depressing
The aggressive strings in BTW would never be used in a Coldplay song.
explain how your not autistic

i'm serious
How are they more aggressive than Viva la Vida
took the test at age 13 and was nowhere near the spectrum
Well for one thing, it's good.
explain why you're such a fucking faggot

i'm serious
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how is it similar?
How are the strings in VLV aggressive?
I mean did you listen to the verses
Every single note is a punctuated marcato
You know sometimes even doctors and tests are faked.
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that moment when coldplay does radiohead better than radiohead
Radiohead are the most banal and insufferable band. They're literally *THE* entry-level, gateway band to 'proper' music, and their naive fans need to stop projecting all this bullshit onto them as if to say they're anything more than that.

If you consider yourself a Radiohead fan, then you simply need to listen to more music beyond the scope of the /mu/ essentials and P4K. Radiohead are white bread and nothing more.
Different songs
Different musicians
Different producer
i like white bread
>stop liking what I don't like!
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If you consider white bread the top tier of food, then you're ignorant.

Similarly, if you eat nothing but white bread, you get horribly sick.
Well things can change over the course of two years.
all i said was i like white bread
Its good
Is the idea of eating to only eat the best food in existence? or is it about simply getting sustenance to recoup lost energy?

Also if you eat nothing but only the best bread, then you'll eventually get sick of it and it too will become ordinary over time, without a lesser bread to compare it to.
Good, then you're not like 90% of Radiohead fans.
>Also if you eat nothing but only the best bread, then you'll eventually get sick of it and it too will become ordinary over time,
What a shitty argument
the one kid i know who lavishes radiohead with praise also refuses to eat any fruit or vegetables of any kind, and will sit for like half an hour picking them out of any kind of meal he has before he eats it

to me that speaks volumes about the band
thats ok with me
so whats yr problem
How so?

You essentially wouldn't know X is shitty or Y was great without both X and Y
So you're basically arguing exactly what I was - that Radiohead only serve a function to give context to bands that are actually worthwhile.
>implying your parents would tell you
>bands that are actually worthwhile.
Such as?
meanwhile, u can still like white bread
Not really because Radiohead themselves are a musically sophisticated rock band.

I was talking about Coldplay
Can/Neu! who they took from
Paul Lansky and krzysztof penderecki who they took from
Charles Mingus who of course they took from
Good ones beyond the scope of the /mu/ essentials.
all of those artists are p entry level too thou
What did they "take" from?
how in the everloving fuck is penderecki entry level lmao
So? All those artists took from others as well.
>all of these people replying to bait
He'd probably stop posting if you ignored him for long enough.
thankfully they were good at it and original

honestly the only thing worth your time with radiohead is the technicality of nigel godrich's production and mixing. the guy is a wizard
Can/Neu! is obvious, electronic/rhythmic priority in rock music
Lansky is Idioteque Penderecki is HTDC
Mingus is obvious
Shut the fuck up moron, they did not.
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maybe he's not entry level but
we're talking abt something else now
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>thankfully they were good
Subjective and thus yot relevant.
>at it and original
If they took from others, then no. That is the opposite of originality.
>Shut the fuck up moron, they did not.
Well let's see:
>electronic/rhythmic priority in rock music
Rock Music alreday had a rhythmic priority, but see The Monks iof you are curious. Also the United States of America predates them for electronics as well as other electronic musicians.
>Mingus is obvious
If it's obvious, you'd be able to explain it, Try again?
>Lansky is Idioteque Penderecki is HTDC
What are you referring to here?

Also looking for specifics they "took". Overall aesthetics are not relevant.
HTDC sounds not at all like Penderecki.
can we get back to shitting on radiohead
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right but its still 3x my favourite bands
>Radiohead fans don't listen to anything else
>Rock Music alreday had a rhythmic priority,
Yeah The Beatles pop work was definitely focused on rhythm
> but see The Monks
Already have, they aren't significant and didn't do anything radical.
>Also the United States of America predates them for electronics
Well just raw talking electronics Brian Wilson would be the innovator there
>If it's obvious, you'd be able to explain it
National Anthem you fucking moron
>What are you referring to here?
So do you not look up anything about the albums you listen to? Do you even care about music?
why are u getting so worked up over this thou
>Yeah The Beatles pop work was definitely focused on rhythm
>they aren't significant and didn't do anything radical
Show me 30 bands that sound exactly like them
>Well just raw talking electronics Brian Wilson would be the innovator there
How so?
>National Anthem you fucking moron
How so? Explain it.
>So do you not look up anything about the albums you listen to?
It's your argument, you need to explain it.
>not just enjoying the music
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Holy shit underrated
>implying music is to be enjoyed and not subjectively (under the guise of objectively) picked through painfully
Coldplay write songs with hooks that get radio play on Top 40. Radiohead strip away all that and mope and whine 'cause they're serious artistes. Really there's little difference between AMSP and Ghost Stories when you get down to it. Two sides of the same coin.
Oh so I guess Schubert was as well then
>Show me 30 bands that sound exactly like them
This is a ridiculous request. How old are you?
It's just rock music performed by amateurs.
>How so?
If you don't know how BW innovated with tape music in rock you are
>How so? Explain it.
The free jazz-style brass section featured in the song, influenced by jazz bassist and composer Charles Mingus,[3] creates a soundscape of chaos, and has been described as "a brass band marching into a brick wall" by one reviewer.[3]
The song also features an Ondes Martenot, played by Jonny Greenwood, an early electronic instrument which was picked up by Greenwood for several songs on Kid A and subsequent albums.[4] Greenwood's usage of it was inspired by the music of Olivier Messiaen.[5]
>It's your argument, you need to explain it.
The string orchestration for "How to Disappear Completely" was influenced by Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki.[1] Jonny Greenwood's use of the ondes Martenot on this and several other Kid A songs was inspired by Olivier Messiaen, who popularised the early electronic instrument and was one of Greenwood's teenage heroes.[44] "Idioteque" samples two computer music pieces, Paul Lansky's "Mild Und Leise" and Arthur Kreiger's "Short Piece". Both samples were taken from Electronic Music Winners, a 1976 experimental music LP which Jonny Greenwood had stumbled upon while the band was working on Kid A. Thom Yorke also referred to electronic dance music when talking about "Idioteque", and said that the song was "an attempt to capture that exploding beat sound where you're at the club and the PA's so loud, you know it's doing damage".[7]

>Also if you eat nothing but only the best bread, then you'll eventually get sick of it and it too will become ordinary over time, without a lesser bread to compare it to.

right that's why so many rick people take breaks from eating expensive healthy fresh foods to go fuck homeless people, because they get sick of fucking rich beautiful people.
Fucking nerd
Radiohead are the most banal and insufferable band. They're literally *THE* entry-level, gateway band to 'proper' music, and their naive fans need to stop projecting all this bullshit onto them as if to say they're anything more than that.

If you consider yourself a Radiohead fan, then you simply need to listen to more music beyond the scope of the /mu/ essentials and P4K. Radiohead are white bread and nothing more.
>Artists borrow samples and inspiration
Wow dude, that shit's just unheard of.
I'm glad that the Radiohead fans who knew absolutely nothing about the very well known influences on Kid A are now telling me they totally understand how pointless it is.

Like you can tell they're just trying to defend themselves liking an overrated album too much.
>Oh so I guess Schubert was as well then
Not relevant.
>This is a ridiculous request.
You made the claim, now back it up.
>It's just rock music performed by amateurs.
Not relevant
>If you don't know how BW innovated with tape music in rock you are
It's your argument, you need to explain it.
>The free jazz-style brass section featured in the song, influenced by jazz bassist and composer Charles Mingus
The true beginning of free jazz as it is understood today, however, came with the recordings of Ornette Coleman. Coleman pioneered many techniques typical of free jazz, most notably his rejection of pre-written chord changes, believing instead that freely improvised melodic lines should serve as the basis for harmonic progression in his compositions. His first notable recordings for Contemporary included Tomorrow Is the Question! and Something Else in 1958, garnering Coleman national recognition.[12] In terms of free jazz history, these albums revolutionized concepts of musical structure, as many of the compositions on these two early albums do not follow typical 32-bar form and often employ abrupt changes in tempo and mood.[13]
>The song also features an Ondes Martenot
Show me a Mingus song with this instrument.
>The string orchestration for "How to Disappear Completely" was influenced by Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki
Already covered this see: >>65225270
>Overall aesthetics are not relevant.

Which is probably why your argument is so garbage. Cherry picking artists you knew influenced them base doff what you read on wikipedia won't work if you don't know anything about those particular artists. .
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>not enjoying bread
>influences =/= rip off
>very well known
Where's your source on that?
I've listened to more of Ornette Coleman than you have, so why did you put that in there?
>Show me a Mingus song with this instrument.
Try reading the paragraph again kid.
>Overall aesthetics are not relevant.
"Hey if they were channeling this artist's style and wanted to callback to that artist THAT'S NOT RELEVANT"
I'm glad that the Radiohead fans who knew absolutely nothing about the very well known influences on Kid A are now telling me they totally understand how pointless it is.

Like you can tell they're just trying to defend themselves liking an overrated album too much.
Like do you see this kid >>65225518
You can tell he's never studied any bit of music in his life, he's never read anything about music in his life, HE DIDN'T EVEN READ MY POST. THE MARTENOT WAS CLEARLY SAID TO BE AN INFLUENCE FROM MESSIAEN.

Goodbye Radiohead kids, let me know when you grow up.

I'm not going to argue people who won't read.
Do you need to have the differences between The Beatles and The Rolling Stones explained as well?
I love this thread, with the bread, radio's, Schubert, and people who think they know everything.
Radiohead are the most banal and insufferable band. They're literally *THE* entry-level, gateway band to 'proper' music, and their naive fans need to stop projecting all this bullshit onto them as if to say they're anything more than that.

If you consider yourself a Radiohead fan, then you simply need to listen to more music beyond the scope of the /mu/ essentials and P4K. Radiohead are white bread and nothing more
>so why did you put that in there?
I'm showing you the logical inconsistency in your argument.
>Try reading the paragraph again kid.
Done. Now explain it.
>Hey if they were channeling this artist's style
Show me how Paranoid Android is Mingus or Can's style.
>damage control
Difference is Coldplay is actually good.
It's not damage control, you just didn't read.
Answer me this. Who are your 5 favorite artists/composers?
lmao what made u think storming off would make u seem like u came out looking better
Can are clearly rip offs because they weren't the first to play guitar, bass, drums and keyboards
Mingus is clearly a rip off because he wasn't the first to play bass and piano

Ohshit, someone is about to get
Radiohead aren't innovative, they never were. They are a great gateway band for more experimental stuff. They make great music with interesting chord changes, time signatures, textures, melodies, blend of electronic/slightly experimental stuff. They have some variety to their sound, and do it really well.

To say they're "innovative" or "the best band ever" is dumb.

To say they're garbage, bland, boring, etc. is also dumb.
>Who are your 5 favorite artists/composers
Harry Partch
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Alvin Lucier
Delia Derbyshire
Alan Lomax field recordings.

sure, but they aren't the slightest bit dissonant. also in BTW the strings are played col legno which gives them a percussive sort of texture
I'm none of the guys that you're talking to, but this is some good taste. Lucier is the man, and Lomax is such a crucial figure.
Poll for all Radiohead fans: http://www.strawpoll.me/10332395

Nice fake list, kid.

Pierre Boulez
Arnold Schoenberg
Glenn Branca
Louis Andriessen

Now, give your favorite release/composition by each of them.
How long have you been studying music theory?
You may genuinely like these, but this post comes of as a parody.
>Nice fake list
...However this guy >>65225735 has also got good taste.

And considering this has also made me doubt you.
How do we know his list is fake also?
OP is just a tryhard baiter using the old "anything that wasn't completely radical and game changing is a 4/10" that Scaruffi often falls into as well. Radiohead was/is (perhaps, I haven't listened to anything since In Rainbows) a very good pop group who are head and shoulders above the manipulative and formulaic Coldplay. That's not some kind of terrific achievement, but come on.
It doesn't really matter either way. They're just trying to convince the other they have the biggest /mu/-peen, and they are both being ridiculous. Just let them be and enjoy your bread.
>mfw select all images with bread
>>mfw select all images with bread
Did you choose white?
Coldplay based their entire career on High And Dry.

Radiohead covered more genres and did more complex, interesting stuff.

It's pretty try hard to say they are the same thing.
There was only white to choose from
I'm sure that is symbolic of something, I just don't know what
Not really, I'm just trying to show everyone that this kid doesn't know anything about the music he listens to.
Like seriously, he was asking if the Ondes Martenot was related to Mingus.
He's clueless.
>he was asking if the Ondes Martenot was related to Mingus
You made the claim that National Anthem was ripping off Mingus because of the use of a martenot. Are you aware you are retarded?
Musician for 10 years
Music Theory for about 3
>You made the claim that National Anthem was ripping off Mingus because of the use of a martenot.
No I did not, read the post.
Seriously how hard is it for people to fucking read an encyclopedia
Do a harmonic analysis of Airbag

Also musician for 20, theory for 12 but you'll just say I'm lying, won't you.
You posted it as a response to the influence of Mingus. it's not my fault you don't know how to type.
>Do a harmonic analysis of Airbag
>Also musician for 20, theory for 12
I'm sure kid :).
Why do you want me to do a harmonic analysis of Airbag? Do you want me to show off my perfect pitch or my skill at looking up chords online?
Why is this relevant to the discussion at hand?
>You need to prove you have good taste!
>But I don't need to prove I know music theory!
Dosent the fact that they tested you tell you something
This argument that National Anthem is an "obvious Mingus rip-off" also rubs me the wrong way. Even if Mingus is what they did take inspiration from (I don't care to read interviews and pick apart the music of a band like Radiohead) it's not like every record with some squawk and superficial free-jazz influence is now a fucking Mingus rip-off.
They're both basically U2 knockoffs taking different directions from the same starting point.
>But I don't need to prove I know music theory!
But seriously I could tell you that the intro is a VI-V64-I progression repeated and that the chord leading into Thom's entrance is an 9th chord but so what? I can hear what the notes are and see the context in the song's key of A Major/Minor (depending on the moment's context)
So fucking what?
The whole song please.
No, that's a fucking waste of time. We haven't even been talking about OKC this whole time.
No, we've been talking about Radiohead in general. You've been cherrypicking Kid A becaue it's more convenient for you to find specific influences from a wikipedia page to warp into a critique
Anti-Radiohead stans are so much more obnoxious than the people they hate

It's p. Funny

'All these people are annoying, now watch as I spend ALL MY TIME AGGRESSIVELY SHITTING ON THEM'
No we've talked about Kid A because it's the one people here obsessively love.
OKC was always called a pop album so there's no need to call it unimportant; it's understood.
same goes for the anti-Death Grips crowd
>it's the one people here
Not relevant.
>[insert pop music pejorative]
Also not relevant.

Hey remember that one time you made the claim that Brian Wilson was the true innovator of of electronics? That was helarious!
So you aren't arguing about the band at all, but rather the stupidity you perceive in their fans. I suppose this much should have been obvious to me because these kinds of threads happen all of the time. This is just a garden variety shitposting thread, boys. Nothing unique or innovative about it, been done to death.
Electronics in rock, child.
>Brian Wilson using non-rock elements in rock music is innovative
>Yet Radiohead using non-rock elements in rock music is NOT innovative
Thanks for falling into my pleb trap.
>they're popular and somewhat accessible, stop liking them

this board is insufferable
hahaha these fucking avant teen faggots
Radiohead are the most banal and insufferable band. They're literally *THE* entry-level, gateway band to 'proper' music, and their naive fans need to stop projecting all this bullshit onto them as if to say they're anything more than that.

If you consider yourself a Radiohead fan, then you simply need to listen to more music beyond the scope of the /mu/ essentials and P4K. Radiohead are white bread and nothing more.
>its a "[insert popular /mu/core] is entry-level garbage!" episode
this thank you this

Radiohead is what you listen to at 16 when you think the 'modern world' is 'too much' (see documentary on why Thom Yorke is so sad he's famous :( :( :( :( ) and think you're an edgy, original kid for listening to literally easy-mode experimental music (which is also unoriginal and ripped on Krautrock and experimental 60s music)
OKC was inserted into the national recording registry.

You're a fucking blind idiot if you think it's unimportant.
I actually like Radiohead but they are easily the definition of overrated
>implying test results can't be altered
I can't, OP.
That opinion is basically what edgy 17 year olds who dwelled a bit in music and now think they're hot shit because they can pin point Radiohead's influences think.

Do you think innacessible and obscure = good too?

fucking lol at only pointing out influences radiohead have cited in interviews. mingus is barely an influence at all, they say he influenced pyramid song, i don't really hear it. neu/can, sure. penderecki sure. lansky is a sample, not an influence.
and can you fucking faggots stop calling things "entry level". it's music ffs.
Do you even listen to coldplay
Did it occur to you that they're like white bread to you because you already listened to them a bunch? I'll bet you even loved them when listened to them at first too. Like you said, Radiohead are a gateway, but when listening to a band for the first time, there's nothing wrong with being excited about something that's new for you. Anon pls stop being so fucking autistic and try to see things from other people's point of view.
If you don't like white bread you're either a gluten allergic who's rejecting out of necessity or you're just a giant faggot.
>they say he influenced pyramid song, i don't really hear it
That's actually a reference to the early arrangements of the song, which was specifically influenced by Mingus's "Freedom". But Radiohead abandoned that arrangement of "Pyramid Song", but went on to use the idea for "We Suck Young Blood" instead

i know it's a reference to freedom. i know this because they've pointed it out in various interviews. it's not something anyone would have heard if thom hadn't specifically said it was an homage to freedom, that they had handclaps on the original recording, etc. what's so annoying about this post, about mu in general, is you don't have taste or any kind of ear for music. you're presented with a digital buffet and you pick out items that conform to your extremely tedious personal aesthetic without developing actual taste. yes, radiohead are a band many people hear in high school that serve as a gateway to older, more experimental and less mainstream music. i have no problem saying that. the issue is the weird competitive bullshit on this site, talking about fucking tiers of music. the problem is none of you seem to have first hand knowledge or experience actually participating in a music scene. it's all completely detached computer listening, trawling rym, this site, p4k. everything on mu is "entry level".
Show me where I did any of this.

the string arrangements are more textural, more detailed, and have more interesting interplay with the rest of the songs.

the chord arrangements/choices are less traditional or predictable, kind of reminds me of nick drake or leonard cohen.

the sound design is in my opinion this albums strongest feature. Extremely detailed textural synthesis and sampling woven throughout the tracks.

Also the drums are pretty dope.

All these elements come together to create a very cohesive and functional aesthetic, making this album much better than anything coldplay can do.

Also if you didn't listen on a good sound system or headphones you just straight up didnt listen to this album.
eh, so was Sesame Street: All-Time Platinum Favorites. Maybe we should be talking about that album too.
ctrl + f "white bread" lol
>not liking white bread
If 75% of this board were sent off to a concentration camp and brutally murdered, the world would be a better place for it.
That's irrelevant.

OKC is an important album, regardless of whether you like it or not.
Coldplay doesn't have a grasp on any sense of atmosphere beyond "arena-sized" (well, except for that one album that sounded like a poor-man's Bon Iver). Radiohead have created powerful sonic environments throughout their discography.

Also, i'm going to take a guess and say that you consider yourself "too cool" to listen to the radio. I actually do listen to radio music, and i can guarantee you, the bulk of radiohead's material isn't accessible enough to get airplay compared to bands like Coldplay.
You could stick all of In Rainbows on a radio station and nobody would notice the difference.
In Rainbows isn't entirely verse-chorus-verse-chorus songs so that's objectively wrong.
Pitchfork likes it, and Radiohead are more intellectual than Coldplay :^)
It's still accessible as fuck, that's what matters.
How is Video Tape as accessible as Beyonce or Maroon 5?
It really doesn't. I can't think of any top 40 single in recent memory that didn't follow a verse-chorus-verse-chorus format outside of hip-hop.

I don't think you seem to realize just how much normal people care about hooks. To a lot of people, if you can't sing along to at least one part of it, then it's "weird".
>Mom likes Coldplay
>Mom doesn't like Radiohead

Sounds like my mom. She likes Coldplay and used to love Radiohead. Her old albums are what got me into them. I think they lost her around Kid A tho. But she really likes AMSP cause of "the strings."
I mean, if you ignore the fact that there aren't much hooks around AMSP, then yeah the arrangements themselves are pretty accessible, but that's not what makes a pop song.

Look at Viva La Vida and Burn the Witch as a comparison: Viva La Vida's chorus has a clear-as-day melodic vocal melody in the chorus that's easy enough for people to remember. Thom's vocals just sort of float over the instrumental in the chorus. There's no hook there. That alone separates it, ignoring the fact that VLV is big and triumphant throughout whereas BTW gets downright unsettling in the build-up of the outro.
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are you retarded? or just trying too hard
too dank, too dark, too depressive, no rihanna
this, radiohead is mainstream and succesful, but still too weird for normies who love coldplay
Accessible is a relative term, and accessibility isn't the only prerequisite for radio play.
>a zillion replies
>Radiohead fans' best arguments include bread analogies and saying that Radiohead is only one thing they like
why do plebs do this? if they're in a circlejerk indiekid containment zone like Reddit, they'll go on and on about how excellent the Avalanches and Radiohead are, but once they're called out for deifying entry-level shit they either call you a tryhard or say they don't even like the band the best and that they're just good.
you realize radio plays the fuck out of both, right? Radiohead just have longer gaps between albums and don't agree to play at the Grammys or whatever. there's not a musical difference, just Thom being a little cunt about being in a pop band
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You should use a trip
they write complex songs with actual meaning
The strings in burn the witch use a combination of normal playing and con legno to create a percussive edge.
String parts in other songs contain very abrasive accents and falls.
As far as I know none of these are as present and used effectively in Coldplay as much as it is in AMSP.
>thinks percussive edge to string sections is too much for normies
you do realize that most Coldplay fans also bump loud, abrasive trap music, right? that pop radio right now is playing atonal compositions from Kanye West? it's not fucking 1907. fucking blockbuster movies have scores full of these kinds of accents.
OP is a giant faggot. Just because you claim something so bluntly, doesn't make it true. Radiohead is a fantastic band, bringing something new to the table. If you can't see that, then it's your loss, and certainly not theirs. There are plenty of more experimental artists out there, but quite often, the most experimental music comes off sounding like ass. Other times, it can be done well. Just save everybody the troll, and shut the fuck up.
It's not about the accessibility, it's about if Coldplay did it or not. And if they did, if they did it as well as AMSP.

Who cares about accessibility?
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is a giant faggot. Just because you claim something so bluntly, doesn't make it true. Coldplay is a fantastic band, bringing something new to the table. If you can't see that, then it's your loss, and certainly not theirs. There are plenty of more experimental artists out there, but quite often, the most experimental music comes off sounding like ass. Other times, it can be done well. Just save everybody the troll, and shut the fuck up.
Which station? And I'm assuming you have a major station in mind, since niche stations really don't count.
>viva la vida introduced strings into rock music.
Radiohead has been using strings way before coldplay viva la vida came out, so fuck off with this lame meme
Please reference the Beatles.as to the first to use strings also ELO for honorable mention
New pasta
>there's not a musical difference
seriously? give e 1 Coldplay song that sounds like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goEoLT7skh4
Cold play will never reproduce kid a or amnesiac sound ever. They dont have the talent or skill. They decided to become a top 40 pop garbage band instead because thom yorke rejected them
i think AMSP sounds like arvo part and vladimir usachevsky idk why


Radiohead are the most banal and insufferable band. They're literally *THE* entry-level, gateway band to 'proper' music, and their naive fans need to stop projecting all this bullshit onto them as if to say they're anything more than that.

If you consider yourself a Radiohead fan, then you simply need to listen to more music beyond the scope of the /mu/ essentials and P4K. Radiohead are white bread and nothing more
why would they want to. They make far more money doing what they do well.
does coldplay have more music like this please? any reccs?
Thread replies: 180
Thread images: 12

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