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Last 5 Albums Rated / RYM
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ITT: Post the last five albums you rated on RYM. Give reccs, fanboy over shit, call each other plebs, whatever man.

Lately i've been giving what feels like everything a seven, eight or nine. I think it's because i'm only targeting albums I know i'll probably like. Anyone else having this experience?
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liking things is a pretty good feel innit
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denpa is good
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Going through their discography
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I want to like Doopee Time a lot more, but at points it is just straight up obnoxious.
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It is what it is!
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that's a generous rating for Pablo Honey
I think Blow Out saves it from anything below a 2.5
I only listen to things that look good as well unless they're recs
I want to as well

Doopee Time has great ideas and a wonderful concept but it strikes me as dull sometimes and prevents me from making it a favorite of mine

Good ratings. Have you listened to any other Beefheart releases yet?

Yeah, i've listened to Safe as Milk but didn't think it was nearly as strong

Oh whoops, that didn't make sense lmao.

What I meant to say was, i've listened to Trout Mask Replica and thought it was much stronger.
Some single ratings here along with track ratings.
I've only listened to the first side of ETWT so far.
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Correct :^)
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