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i thought this was just a meme but it's actually a pretty
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i thought this was just a meme but it's actually a pretty good album
There is literally no reason to listen to Big Moe when DJ Screw exists. He's better than Moe in every possible way.
Mediocre album. Not bad but definitely not good either. 5/10
>barre baby of the screwed up cuck
why is Houston obsessed with a shit tier opiate
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Now it's time to meme this great album
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>big moe
I listen to almost every SUC album
they're not nearly the same thing
big moe's solo stuff is poppy, clean and catchy
and as >>65088494 said, why not listen to it all when almost every SUC-related release is fantastic

nice choice
pic related would probably be easier tho, it has fantastic meme potential
>big moe's solo stuff
Was he in a collective before? I don't know much about the whole chopp'n'screw scene tbqh, all I know is Screw is fantastic and I haven't found anything that rivals him.
yes big moe sang on the screwtapes. He has 2 solo albums from when he was alive i believe. A lot of it is him remaking 80s rnb into songs about lean.

part of screw's legacy is how he was able to bring greatness out of so many rappers
Holy shit this is fantastic, never heard of this, thanks!
That's a BIG moe!
>promethazine negates the opiate itch and nausea
>can sip it over a prolonged period of time rather than popping a boring pill
>tastes fruity and is like liquid candy
Why is Houston obsessed with the *best opiate you mean

Too bad codeine is like $400 a pint now though, rip lean it was a good ride
Is there an essential southern hip-hop chart?

hope that works
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Screwed Up Click is fantastic
i'll give you a basic outline of some labels/collectives if you're just starting

Some dallas boogie songs

36 mafia
8ball and mjg
young dolph

Dungeon family

No Limit
Cash money
Trill Senpai

Trick Daddy
2 Live crew
Rick Ross
Kodak Black
wow tylenol 3s that taste like jolly ranchers, gr8
You can get 1600mg of codeine from $8 worth of otc Tylenol 1.
If you run it through a filter a few times, it almost completely removes the pill taste. You can mix it in with anything. Adding DXM cough syrups gives the thicker consistency that lean has, and potentiates the codeine.
>There is literally no reason to listen to Big Moe when DJ Screw exists. He's better than Moe in every possible way.
this is an incredibly shitty opinion
Screw and Moe are 2 completely things
you could have easily have said "idk what the fuck im talking about" and it would have the same effect
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Bruh City of Sizzurp is great. Ghetto Dreams is still my favorite SUC album though. SWANG DOWN SWEET CHARIOSSS LEMME RIDE COMIN DOWN SLOW ON THE DAMN SOUTHSIIIIDE.

And can anyone here kick solid gangsta raps for amateur beats? looking for MCs for this mixtape I'm putting together.
Screw was a legend, he should be shown respect for what he accomplished

maybe we can do something
Best DJ Screw releases?
holy shit i love that cover
ok, I think you might sound good on the second track off of this if you want to try it out. we'll see how it goes. my email is up top.

3 In The Morning Part 1
3 In The Morning Part 2 Blue
3 In The Morning Part2 Red
All Screwed Up
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>tfw living in h-town
feels good.

That album art is not winning me over. Convince me that it's worth listening to.
> says x is a meme

> thinks the barre baby is a fucking meme

Just kill yourself faggot real recognize real.
Just listen to K Rino & Pimp C
Just listen to Barre Baby and try not to have fun

>Pro tip: you can't
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My Mind Went Blank
Leanin' on a switch
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