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ITT: Ratings
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Thread replies: 50
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File: beeeeeeattlll.jpg (606 KB, 1701x1365) Image search: [Google]
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one of these
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pretty much spot-on damn

sgt pepper's a 7 though
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Agreed. Seems pretty close to the norm.
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anco rating.png
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>Lower than PH
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I just don't like them.
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>>65058379 pretty pleb 2bh
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king crimson.jpg
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this is dumb because even if you didn't like them they wouldn't be 0's
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de flkuiod maN.jpg
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You catch on quick.
>Speakerboxx/The Love Below their best

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did you listen to Live in pompeii?
Never got the appeal of Animals. I agree with Meddle, though. That's their true masterpiece.
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>rating any beatles album above a 3

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as “the greatest or most significant or most influential” rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.
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someone tell chris martin to stop this fucking shit
> 10
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Interpol tbqh
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coming through with the accurate ratings.
Probably the most accurate floyd chart yet. It's triggering my autism that it's not chronologically ordered though.
If by accurate you mean Scaruffi's thoughts on The Beatles, then maybe.

Seriously? "Flashing Lights" alone was better than Late Registration...
I can get behind this. I'd lower Parachutes and raise A Rush of Blood though.
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bad rankings, yeezus, graduation and the bends need to be much higher
Someone really listens to that other than that Hey ya! song for laffs and nostalgia?
The Love Below is one of the best r&b records of the decade
Speakerboxxx is a decent hip hop album
it's not a 10 tho
File: DT rate.jpg (286 KB, 1920x1006) Image search: [Google]
DT rate.jpg
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I Beatles appartengono certamente alla storia del costume degli anni '60, ma i loro meriti musicali sono quantomeno dubbi.
I Beatles vennero alla luce all'apice della reazione nei confronti del rock and roll, quando innocui "teen idols" (rigorosamente bianchi) prendevano il posto dei selvaggi rocker neri che avevano scosso le radio e le coscienze di mezza America. L'arrivo dei Beatles rappresento` il salvagente per la middle-class bianca, terrorizzata all'idea che il rock and roll rappresentasse una vera rivoluzione di costume. I Beatles tranquillizzarono quella vasta fascia di pubblico e conquistarono i cuori di tutti coloro (soprattutto al femminile) che volevano essere ribelli ma senza violare i codici imperanti. Ai volti contorti e lascivi dei neri del rock and roll si sostituiro i sorrisi innocenti dei Beatles; ai ritmi scatenati dei primi si sostituirono le cadenze orecchiabili dei secondi. Il rock and roll poteva finalmente essere accettato nelle classifiche del "pop". I Beatles rappresentarono la quintessenza della reazione a una rivoluzione musicale che non era finita, e per qualche anno riuscirono ad arenarne l'impeto.
Swap I&W and Awake and bump BC&SL up to an 8 and that's pretty much my opinion
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Best fucking band of the 2000's.
overall accurate
Feels is 10, and STGSTV is God-tier
STGSTV needs to be god-tier, but accurate otherwise
this >>65063288
Awake is easily their best album and Black Clouds is solid
what's the starfish cover one?
xylem tube ep
Thread replies: 50
Thread images: 23

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