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>you want to write about music >have no experience doing
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>you want to write about music
>have no experience doing so
>afraid of not delivering quality content

what do?

aside from the obvious advice of reading other
people's writing, is there anything else I should

pic related, the editorial's my work
no /mu/tant ever wanted to write about music?
that's odd
>wanting to be the lowest form of journalist
>lowest form

How come? Aren't political commentaries the lowest form of journalism?
write clickbait articles of trendy stuff under a girl's name
I've been analyzing Anthony Fantano's reviews and what he does is always in the same tunnel:

>by whom?,
>who is this and what have they done before
>a bit of an opinion about (topic), a bit of an opinion about (previous by artist)
>describe what happens from the beginning to the end
>quasi-criticize the work to avoid backfire
>compare previous work to (topic)
>explain your own interpretation
>use buzzwords
>a bit of information about similar/related
>adjective adjective adjective adjective
>personal opinion overall
>trendy stuff

What stuff is "trendy" in music?
race and gender politics, rape accusations, basically any thing that relates somewhat to music but actually has nothing to do with music

Problem is, the blog is about promoting good soundcloud-genera-type musicians. There's nothing to use as clickbait.
promote feminist artist or artist who's music is about gender issues
you can find plenty all over.
I have a blog but I just post zips to albums I like.

Can I see it?
>no experience
>no ability to deliver quality content

sounds like you're pitchfork-ready!

Is pitchfork really that bad?
I'd rather not post a link here. Can I shoot you an email?
imo they have absolutely no standards in their reviews at all. A p4k review doesn't have to describe the music well or judge it credibly
[email protected]
I don't know whether or not this was a joke but I sent you an email.
i'll browse it frequently for downloads, thanks
Sweet! Thank you. :-)
ignore the people who're being dicks here, just keep writing! you're bound to improve with time, and if you've got passion for what you're talking about and a clear writing voice, i'm sure you'll do fine c:

thank you anon
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