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How is my taste /mu/?
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How is my taste /mu/?
>Lady Lamb
My nigga
generic pop/rock claptrap just like every other /mu/tant's
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>The fills on bird balloons
>The 7th chords on the bridge
dying fetus
chet baker
fleet foxes
the tiny
lady lamb
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"Lets crawl all over one another, like ants on a crumb, like crows on a carcass."
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What about mine? I was reaching a little on some of my other favorites
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>mac demarco
>death grips
>julien baker

Absolutely fucking awful.
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cool but mine is better
Not bad. Personally think STFDC is Milo's least impressive album but still gnarly list
Nobody likes the minstrel show here or what?
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messy chart.png
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it's okay at best
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Its better than mine at least
Some /mu/core, but decent. Listen to 23 Skidoo
Why does /mu/ popularise albums talking about how great they are and then once they achieve the goal begin criticising anyone listening to it as /mu/core? I've lurked for half a year or so and seen this happen countless times.
I think your chart is cute

All shit , senpai
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Hows my music taste
not bad for an 18 year old
good guess
>implying it wasn't painfully obvious
Okay bud
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whats the good word boys
Thread replies: 23
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