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/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread
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Thread replies: 33
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Fellow Pitchfork patricians, it is once again the time for our nightly countdown for Pitchfork's 4 new reviews to be updated on the site at 1am eastern time.

Best New Music?
Best New Reissue?
8.0+ with no BNM?
A shitty set of 7's and below?
Weird Al’s eternal BNM incoming hypetrain!
Noctourniquetcourtsney Barnett Review?
Titus Andronicus being robbed once again?
Dead Sara - Pleasure To Meet You 8.3 BNM?
Ian FUCKIN' Cohen?
Lindsay "qt feminist" Zoladz? [retired patrician, memory lives on forever]
Jayson "8.7" Greene?
Larry "retired BNM godfather" Fitzmaurice?
Craig "Meme Rap" Jenkins?
Brandon “Meme Metal” Stosuy?
qt Kim "retired Meal Goddess now at Noisey" Kelly?
Grayson "Grizzly" Currin?
Brian "Backup" Howe?
Mark "the elder statesman" Richardson?
Meaghan “retired trap queen" Garvey?
Andy "secretly alpha" Beta?
Zoe "¡DALE!" Camp?
Philip "Electronic Wizard” Sherburne?
Stephen "M." Deusner?
Laura "Sun Kil Buffoon" Snapes?

Will someone dethrone Radiohead's 9.1 for AOTY?

OFFICIAL and accurate 2016 BNM Tally: 21

The most wonderful time of the night, every night, right now. Here it is, the nightly P4K thread. Time to get comfy.

>P4K Collection Rar (Over 300 deleted reviews, pics of every staff member, now slightly updated)

>Tonight's Top Stories
-Where were you when Death Grips' career died?
-This thread hypes and supports DIIV, Bat for Lashes, Car Seat Headrest, Local Natives, Islands, Vijay Iyer, Swans, and Tim Heidecker.
-/p4k/ forever
coloring book 9.4
Kaytranada or Skepta tonight?

Reminder that AMSP was robbed btw
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>Where were you when Death Grips' career died?
that brutal 8.1 absolute pan
couldn't catch a wink last night I was so fucking mad
by Queen Zoe, no less

anyways, this thread will die with less than 30 posts. we're all meme'd out after this week.
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Pleasure To Meet You.jpg
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Dead Sara - Pleasure To Meet You 8.3 BNM
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You underestimate the power of the dark side.
As much as I want to believe your dubs, I won't let that happen
What's everyone listening to?
I'm stuck listening to shit my friend has on the car radio
a mix of Cure songs. "Fascination Street" is GOAT
She obviously likes it more than some of her peers. There's a split at Pitchfork regarding Death Grips, which keeps them in the 7-8 range with each release. Still can't believe how bad they underrated NOTM, which, to me, is their best work.
They're playing here on Tuesday, I've been digging deep in their catalogue as a result. Listening to 4:13 Dream right now, good stuff.
>we're all meme'd out after this week
why don't we ever care about more than a handful of meme bands?
Because the meme bands are the ones that are most likely to get interesting reviews
>4:13 Dream
Yeah, that album is really underrated. Easily their best post-Wish. A good remaster would do a lot to fix its rep imo as the production is shit
Who are the reviewers that don't like them?
jessy lanza could get a bnm

i hope so, at least, her album was very good
>their best post-Wish
not exactly lofty praise 2bh

though to be fair i believe i'm the among the few dozen people in the world who likes Wild Mood Swings
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Can we talk about the mixing on Chance 3, I need to change the volume like 3 times every song?

anyways, pic is what Im listening to
are you listening to a shit rip?
How are you liking it so far? Well besides the shit mixing
>im 20 years old
>back from uni
>dont have car
>have work tomorrow at 7am
>have to have my mom drive me there and drop me off on her way to school since we cant afford a car
>cant even fall asleep for fucking 5 hours of sleep
ive just laid here for an hour
at least i get to see jessy lanza get BNM tho
am i pathetic
Kaytranada 8.0 by Jonah Bromwich
Mark Pritchard 7.6 by Philip Sherburne
Twin Peaks 7.2 by Stuart Berman
Bacao Rhythm & Steel Band 7.4 by Jay Balfour
this is now 9 straight days where the album in the top review slot got a 8.0+. is music back?
Good to see Pritchard didn't get snubbed.
that mark pritchard album is fantastic btw
dunno why i replied to u, soz.
Who got most robbed from BNM, Aesop rock, death grips or king gizzard?
no, the 320 kbps one on datpiff

its ok I guess, certainly not what it should be after a three year wait
late to the party! Chance 3 hype distracted me. props to Kaytranada, his album was fantastic.

I'd usually say Death Grips, but they've consistantly been robbed of BNM (NOTM was BNM-worthy) so I'll give it to KG&TLW. fuck Aesop Rock.

the Apple Music stream is fine for me. i'm really digging it, but it feels a little inconsistent. the mood really dips to this somber place in the middle of the tape, and it doesn't really recover. and as happy as i was to see Thugger/Yachty on a tape, that track's probably my least favorite thus far.

also, that future feature is shockingly good. did not expect it to work so well.

i feel you, this will be probably me sunday night. i hope you sleep soon and have the best dreams ever.
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also obligatory Chance OP image for tomorrow/next week

he's gonna snatch the BNM
n-word lover.
Thread replies: 33
Thread images: 6

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