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Which Annie was better: 1) Marry Me & Actor 2) Strange
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Which Annie was better:
1) Marry Me & Actor
2) Strange Mercy & St. Vincent.
St. Vincent Annie scares me so St. Vincent Annie
My unpopular opinion: 2 is better.
annie annie
1 is clearly superior in every way.
Both pictures were taking like a decade apart. Unfair comparison
Marry Me & Strange Mercy
1 Annie, she hadn't become such an obnoxious and pretentious cunt like she is these days

She still had some qt baby fat too
1 because she wasn't popular then and not a lesbian and her music loses all value if she's not obscure and available
definitely 2, despite the fact that Your Lips Are Red is her best song.
1. Actor is also best album
Yeah, Actor could be her best album
no annie

Why can't you guys accept that she's probably always been a vapid cunt? "Be good" tattooed on your arm?? How fucking le new age is that? It's just as stupid as her caked up face and titty guitar.
kek titty guitar
>le clueless and surprised hipster face

Fuck her
The stupidiest opinion of this week. Congrats.

>he doesn't fawn over celebrities like me??!
>must be stupid lol
>dumbass not knowing that be good is a fake tattoo
nr. 1 is clearly much sexier.

nr. 2 looks like a mom from stockholm who is stuck with some boring man and does some empty artistic posturing on the side.
reminds me of my mom and her friends desu.

Uh huh

That's almost worse, you know
The one where she doesn't look like Cher
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Strange Mercy annie is very different from s/t annie.

Hell Actor annie is different from MM annie.
The most recent incarnation of Annie was complete hipster les shit. God knows what she will look lile next time. Probably shaved blue hair.
how is she obnoxious or pretentious? always seemed pretty nice and pleasant in interviews
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