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Are there any other songs that are or over 1 hour long? The only
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Are there any other songs that are or over 1 hour long?
The only ones I know are dopesmoker by Sleep. And Säteily / Radiation by Pan sonic.
Boris - Flood
Light of Day, Day of Darkness
If that album counts (despite being broken up into multiple tracks) we may as well mention Eve by Ufomammut.
Some Bull of Heaven songs last longer than human civilization has
Came here to post this
Natural Snow Buildings have been playing since the Earth formed an oxygen rich atmosphere.
Never seen you before?
Are you new?

He does a /mu/ makes an album thing every few days

He's also a big fan of The Shaggs
I haven't done an album in days I need to
The Flaming Lips' 6 hour and 24 hour songs
not 1 hour, but at least 3/4
Jesu - Infinit is 50 min
Inter Arma - The Cavern is 45 min
Songs with more than 76 minutes 30 seconds

PS: this just count albums with a loop
One day I decided to sleep and didnt turned off the pc because I was downloading some files
On the other day I found that winamp was playing and that last.fm scrobbler was on.
Thanks god I was trying an bull of heaven song with an 7 hour song.
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>bull of heaven
Okay I just googled them and what the fuck is this bullshit?

Fantomas - Delirium Cordia
they also have a bunch of albums that aren't even albums
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Please tell me this isn't real
it is
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forgot pic
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This is ridiculous, there is no fucking way a 3.343 quindecillion year long piece of """music""" exists
why the quotes around music?
I've been listening to their stuff for the past thirty minutes and I feel sick

It's pretty much just noise that they've stretched into incredible lengths. There's no effort or creativity and I won't have it
bliss and void inseparable - black boned angel
Boris - Absolutego
Bongripper - Great Barrier Reefer
and for the real slow niggas out there
Sabazius - The Descent of Man
I actually remember liking parts of the multiple year long albums, try some of their other stuff
How do you even make a song that long? And why is the file only a couple hundred kilobytes?

U jelly?
No, I'm just curious

I really wish I knew how all this worked
it's just extremely low bitrate, and generated algorithmically. Not too difficult to do really

it's an artistic statement, it's fair to not call it music
its procedurally generated
its that small either because it's a preview or because it's just the picture because they can't really host the song
Dirge - Wings of lead over dormant seas
Trist - Hin

Both are exactly one hour long
>bull of heaven
wait, my mistake, it was a NǽnoĉÿbbŒrğ VbëřřĦōlökäävsŦ

>bull of heaven
>Okay I just googled them and what the fuck is this bullshit?
I think they are basically this:
Imagine when you had some weird musical conceptual idea in your mind and did nothing about it?
I bet they had all those kinds of ideas and release every single variant of those ideas they come with
I was going to release an album, then made some math and saw the album would have 6 days album then decided against it create the album
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Why did they fuck up the Dopesmoker reissue so much?
Pic related. It's all squashed to shit now.
Looks the same to me?
Remaster has no dynamics so the loud parts sound relatively quiet and thus SUCKS. But since you only listen to music on your iPad speakers, you wouldn't know.
And the bonus track is ass compared to Sonic Titan.
So. You're most likely going to listen to this stoned.
I wouldn't give a care.
>doing drugs
You're trolling
No hes just not a degenerate
You're trolling too.
Go back to r/trees
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