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im a new kid in reference to stoner/desert rock i am, however,
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im a new kid in reference to stoner/desert rock
i am, however, loving it. i want to know what the best in the genre is. any recommendations or sharing would be immensely appreciated.

also, i was told kyuss essentially was the start of desert rock in general, & by extension a massive influence on stoner rock. is that true? is there anything thats TRULY desert rock that didnt start with them? if i sound ignorant, i am. im not trying to bait, im curious.

did they get better as Queens Of The Stone Age, or worse? where do i go from here? i like kyuss' more open, twangy, tracks, like Space Cadet. are there bands that carried more of that specifically?

teach me your ways
QOTSA is a great band and there's lots of debate over which albums are better but it's generally agreed that they don't have any "bad" albums

beloved bands include

>Electric Wizard
>Melvins (sometimes)
>The Atomic Bitchwax
>Fu Manchu
>Monster Magnet
>Paranoid through Vol. 4-era Black Sabbath

have fun
thanks man. im getting that impression about them. how big am influence were they, do you think? did they change anything or were they just going with the flow?
they were one of the original desert rock bands for sure, Josh Homme was pioneering heavyness by playing guitars in drop C tuning through bass amps
Besides other anon's recs, listen to the new Gnaw Their Tongues/Dragger Into Sunlight - NV

It'll really knock your socks off
cool, ill have to pay attention to their stuff

also holy hell, thanks for the recs, all amazing

you da man

is there a rundown on the history of the whole scene somewhere, so i can stop bugging you guys? i mean i dont think looking this up on wikipedia is the way to go
you might dig this
>is there anything thats TRULY desert rock that didnt start with them?
Yawning Man and Across the River are the actual start of desert rock, and both were huge influences on Kyuss.
My favorite desert rock band is Yawning Man. As for stoner, I'd recommend Ufomammut, Orchid, Electric Wizard, Bongripper, The Mushroom River Band and Sleep.
JEFF The Brotherhood is great I saw them live, their frontman is a Sasquatch.
Check out the documentary Such Hawks Such Hounds for more info on this type of music, you're sure to discover something you like.
i did & do, thank you

you angel on earth

got it. ill make sure to get their stuff.

will look up

damned nice, thanks.

y'all have been a great help. this is fantastic, thank you
Desert sessions

my favs

The Sword
The Machine
Dead Meadow
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