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Thread replies: 35
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File: Porter_Robinson_-_Worlds.jpg (9 KB, 316x316) Image search: [Google]
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more like world's comfiest album am i right
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>Electronic weeaboo dance music
You don't know what comfy is pardner
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trite garbo for weebs
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tf this is actual comfy music
Don't listen to these pretentious people OP, i think it's comfy af.
File: alison-wonderland.jpg (363 KB, 2048x1365) Image search: [Google]
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>tfw seeing Worlds live set in 3 weeks
>tfw odesza is playing afterwards at the same stage

2 comfy
wanna be friends desu

porter robaeson <3333
Years of War is 10/10 masterpiece and no one can convince me it isn't
I rolled for the first time while seeing this weeb live and it was hands down the greatest night of my life (although that was mostly due to the X)

Sure his genre places almost all of its importance on immediate appeal and the drop, but he injected as much creativity as he possibly could into that style while still remaining quintessentially EDM. There are even parts of Sad Machine and Fellow Feeling that qualify as experimental
Robinson said that was the track he slaved on the most and he kinda hates it now

Too bad it's my least favorite next to Polygon Dust
What will the next LP sound like you guys think? I just hope he continues this style and expands on it, Worlds is so much better than Spitfire
stop promoting your shit and learn to layer/mix
huh that's pretty interesting sort of like his Smells Like Teen Spirit I guess still love the song

hope he still performs it live
he plays it during his Worlds live sets

idk about his DJ Sets
The transition from Years of War to Flicker is god tier

My favorite track has to be Fresh Static Snow though. It's got such an uplifting chord progression and he changes up the groove so many times...a surprisingly progressive track since the album is mostly pop structures. Also the kawaii ending is so beautiful
why is Porter just so much better than all of his colleagues? (literally all of them)
I fucking love World's. I want another. So comfy.
Very appropriate album title/10

dat anime influence
Favorite of 2014
Stop this shit. Im sure you are the same faggot
>13 posters
>same faggot

If you don't like it, you don't have to post
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My negroid
The main criticism of this album is that it's not original and I just can't get behind that. This album is supposed to be a farewell from EDM and a transition into whatever the fuck genre of music he's going to release soon(hopefully). I think that TND compared him to early M83 and I'm still not sure how accurate that is. Regardless, I still enjoyed this album and am looking forward to his next one.

Sad Machine is the best song on this album just saying
I'm also convinced Porter is the future of whatever kind of music you want to classify this as. It's been almost two years now and no other album has yet to grab me like this one has
Yeah actually. First time seeing this on mu too gj bud
Alison Wonderland is a QT. 10/10 would go to a show
not very good tho imo

she does bring a ton of energy to her shows though it was a fun time
>one song on the album features a sample of a text-to-speech voice talking in japanese
>implying you can't hear the anime/japanese influence on over half of the album
I really like Hear the bells, it makes me bust a nut.
Not him but yes.

Odesza's remix of Divinity is creative as fuck.
I'm not really into the odeza/her/Porter "trap", I lean more towards stuff like floss and stuff that kinda overlaps with riddim like getter or habstrakt.
And riddim cause megalodon and midnight tyrannosaurus and p0gman and trampa are great

haven't been here too long then
Thread replies: 35
Thread images: 6

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