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Why is no one talking about the new Stormzy riddim. It's banger of the year desu. Definitely the greatest grime song of all time.

>you can tell me to shut up
>we both say shut up
>when i say shut up
>i get a plaque

Surely that's lyric of the year.
edgy nigger monkey music
i like the beat, but he kinda ruins it for me.
>Greatest grime song of all time
Bit of a stretch imo
it's a shame about stormzy you know
dude's got a great voice and a great look, but he literally only has one flow that's half-decent at best and his lyrics aren't nearly as smart as he thinks they are
man should pick up a ghostwriter or something
so he rapped over someone elses song and he's famous because
They look like they're about to behead some Christians in that picture.
Name a better one rudeboi.
Not him but what is the best grime song?
pls no Dizzee Rascal
was listening to it as i clicked the thread

its pretty good but the beat is not on par with shut up or man dont care
>that picture
>he doesn't know about Shut Up, the beautiful celebration of British culture

Sittin' Here
stormzy is t b h one of the best grime artists, who do u like?

americans detected
u got me >='O
A lot of grime fans don't like Stormzy, They say it's because he's shit but it's really because he's famous and grime fans don't like it when grime artists become popular outside of the council estate they live on.
you've got it all mixed up senpai
americans are into stormzy
>grime fans don't like it when grime artists become popular outside of the council estate they live on.
as it should be
stormzy is alright man he doesnt sell out like skepta

if ur problem with grime is that theyre using someone elses beat or the lyrics aren't smart enough then u literally do not get grime and are probably american
He managed to crossover into America because he became extremely popular in the UK.

You see people on here that say only suburban cheeky nandos uni lads listen to him but the reality is that he has the road on lock too. Just like how hood niggas and fratbros listen to Future. It's the exact same concept but grime fans don't seem to understand that when an artist gets popular they will draw in a mixed demographic of fans.

Niggas on /mu/ really think the real roadmanz listen to fucking The Bug or some shit. No lad, they listen to Stormzy, Skepta, and Section Boyz.
this dude is 22? wtf he looks 35.
>the lyrics aren't smart enough
we both know that that isn't what i said
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>real roadmanz listen to Stormzy, Skepta and Section Boyz.
why is he standing in the carpark of the carphone warehouse

track is OK overall, beat is pretty mediocre, his delivery is on point as always but there are only a few quotables here

probably wont be listening to this one much
Novelists single earlier on this year is my favourite grime single so far from this year

Plus Stormzy is literally
/Stormzy, Jme, Skepta the list goes on.../-core
It's true.
>Niggas on /mu/ really think the real roadmanz listen to fucking The Bug or some shit. No lad, they listen to Stormzy, Skepta, and Section Boyz.
I really hope you're joking, you know nothing about grime lmao
If you seriously think that, I have to assume you don't know a single roadman.
A majority of grime is hype from Sub-urban white kids wearing palace skateboarding/Supreme the "real roadmen" listen to whatever relates to them the most
Who do the listen to then senpai.
67 (at least, they used to), 410, Showkey, C Biz, etc. Definitely not Stormzy and Skepta lol
Senpai they all do.

Just like every black man in America listens to Drake.
Niggas really don't think Stormzy's popular in the ends.

He blew up in the ends which gave him the momentum to blow up everywhere else. This is not a new phenomenon it's how most rappers get famous.
>greatest grime song of all time.
Nigger, that shit ain't When I'm Ere

or the Lowdown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXasq-kjQ64

or Pies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LP_IopkDEA

or State your Name https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPmFz0Jrbm8

or Take You Out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNSyfLuWa7k

or Destruction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm2PElObPH8
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>hashtag murky 2016
Really speaks to the longevity of his music that he needs to have it trend on twitter for his career
People have been saying that about him for like a year and a half now.
Grime fans don't like it when grime artists become famous.

Because Stormzy is famous they are judging him using handicapped criteria.

They don't care that literally every other grime MC aside from like 2 are terrible lyricists with awful lyrics, they will still rag on Stormzy for not being lyrical because he's famous and they have to find every little reason to dislike him.

The reality is that every other grime MC has basic bars. 90% of them rhyme the same one syllable word repeatedly.
Nice, another mediocre trap track with some trumpets so they can call it grime.
Fuck that, this is what grime is about:
This was produced by Sir Spyro you wasteman it's grime to the core.
Like I give a fuck.
Legends do tend to put out some garbage from time to time too
I fucking hate this sound Stormzy is popularizing and I will hate grime if it goes in this direction.
Grime has just come to mean any UK hip hop by this point, I've had people tell me The Streets were their favourite Grime artist.
truuf. fucking wikked bruv.
Yeah nah not really.
Haven't heard anyone call anything released by HighFocus grime.
To be fair Stormzy did have some tracks that I would call true grime, for example Know Me From, but his newer stuff is boring and average af.
bama lookin so fressh
sound a da suh
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I'm curious as to when grime artists will start to experiment and shit. They all try to sound the same now.

Like I guess some of the producers are starting to branch out and experiment like Mumdance and Murlo but for whatever reason those guy don't involve themselves with the actual scene they just kind of do their own thing.

I'd love to hear a different sounding rapper spit over grime beats. Someone who wasn't worried about being different and unique. Like a grime Young Thug, or a Kanye, or even a Kendrick. Something different.

The issue with the genre is that it's too deeply rooted into roadman culture and street cred and whatever. People are afraid to be different because they'll literally get beat for it. If you want to be a grime MC you have to be hard, you have to act hard, you have to dress hard, you have to talk hard, you have to make hard music, you can't make soft music, you have to hang around hard people. It's 99% about image. You can be a terrible rapper and still have a successful career because you're hard. See Nines (I know he's not grime but UK rap does have a similar culture in this way) for example, he's awful but he has a really successful career and gets tons of views because he's a hood nigga.

It's a shame really. The concept is so dope but it's too rooted in this concept of being road that it probably won't get anywhere anytime soon because anyone who tries to push the boundaries will be completely and utterly ignored.
Is it actually good or does he just spit naff bars over a classic grime beat?
It's a new grime beat which I think is pretty cool, produced by Sir Spyro who's definitely a legend in the genre.

All grime bars are naff but there's a few memorable quotables like the shut up bars in this one.
How come "le real grime" fans don't respect Stormzy, yet he gets respect from literally the entire scene plus the likes of Nas?
because he's hardworking, charismatic and has "made it"

bear in mind that most grime figures are good friends (obviously save for beefing crews) and will generally support each other regardless of personal taste. same goes for nas et al, artists will support artists
Can somebody explain to me what grime is? Like is it just some new british rap thing?
Ghetts released the remix for his new tune and Chip still isn't running out of bars.

I'm gonna get slaughtered for this but he's one of the best out right now it's not even funny. Sure he had a pop career and whatever but he's been consistently sick since his comeback.


I don't care that Big Narstie made a silly video about him before you link that.
uk garage + dubstep + hip hop = grime
Just listen to Dizzee Rascal's Boy In Da Corner and leave it at that.

It's a really good album and the only good grime album ever made. "Le real grime" fans will tell you that this is because "grime isn't an album genre" and will proceed to link you to old radio sets, which are basically potato quality recordings of angry British black men yelling with absolutely no rhythm or flow over occasionally really cool sounding beats. But most of them are awful because 9/10 times they were literally made on a Playstation 1 or a pirated copy of Mario Paint.

So just listen to Boy In Da Corner.
you can trace grime back to 2001

grime is basically folk music for inner city, working class blacks. evolved out of garage and 2step. it's not "rapping" or "hip-hop" despite what people will tell you, it's roots and influence are totally different. The mcing is akin to reggae and dancehall toasting.
and this, everyone, is how to miss the point entirely and project arbitrary musical standards onto a movement that wants nothing to do with it

/mu/ will never 'get' grime

yet bizarrely these same people will listen to memphis hip-hop and love it for exactly the same reasons that grime resonates with people. go figure.
Yeah man sorry for not seeing the art in angry black men shouting with absolutely no rhythm or flow over instrumentals produced using the Animal Crossing town tunes thing.
it's merit is in it's crudeness. people were saying the same thing you were when punk first came around. boo-hoo they have no technical proficiency

if you're listening to music - or indeed admiring any art for pure technicality - then you need to question what you're actually getting out of it, any whether you're into it either A.) for the skill, or B.) what they have to say and how they're saying it.

and yes, to reiterate, grime by and large isn't a recordings genre, and has no place in traditional, formal music distribution or dissemination. hence if you're listening to it queued up with your fucking animal collective albums on last.fm then no wonder you're not getting anything out of it.
don't chat shit about animal crossing you turbofag
this too
fucking pathetic, is this music in bongland?
goes hard as hell, reminds me of Luigi's mansion

Know Me From was the best song of last year by the way
You need to learn english or the way music is structured that's barely evena coherent entence and there's no message behind it, music industry is fucked if this is what counts these days
Yeah but it makes you go mental in the fucking rave bruv this bar will get 10000 wheelups.
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>that's barely evena coherent entence
fucking hell seeing you guys trying and discuss grime is both hilarious and horribly depressing

that said the bars clearly make sense and i don't even like stormzy
mans from croydon senpai i know about road mans from heaf to norbs to brix get me senpai i know bout grime all you mans in this thread are moist, dont even know about cadet, try talk like a roadman
Yeah but I can listen to BiDC and get something out of it. But no one's tried since.

Hip-hop started as a bunch of people in bright red Adidas tracksuits (kek it's all come full circle) a big chains spraypainting walls, breakdancing, b-boying, and yelling "A HIP! A HOP! A HIPPY HIPPY HOP! A HIPPY HIPPY HIPPITY HOPPITY HIPPY HOP!" Then people actually took the concept and started making proper music out of it. It's still kept some of it's "classic" elements: you still see niggas doing freestyles on the radio (Five Fingers of Death, etc), but it's also progressed. You can make hip-hop however you want. But if you make grime you've got to sound a certain way or you'll be ostracised. Shit, you've got to BE a certain way or you'll be ostracised. And that's why it's not progressing. Because everyone's too afraid or just too stupid to be different, and they spend too much time clinging onto the past.
pussyhol;e dont even know about generals

Grime is so lacking in actual lyricists that average "storytellers" like Cadet actually get buzz.
edgy racist 14 year old opinion

Jammz just dropped a new tape today and it's pretty fucking hard.
fuck, completely forgot about Newham gens and Ruff Sqwad as well.
This one deserves a mention too:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbZAAr1NHFU
>Definitely the greatest grime song of all time.
how underage are you?

not even the greatest grime track of this fucking month senpai
>literally made on a Playstation 1
ya dun kno
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forgot proof
This is pretty decent so far.

Why aren't more grime niggas doing mixtapes?

Most of these rappers are ignorant rappers, they should be able to consistently push out projects like trap rappers do. Instead they release like 1 shitty repetitive song a year, and if you're lucky they might release a shitty 3 track EP with 3 shitty repetitive tracks on it that you have to actually spend money on.

Why are they so far behind in terms of releasing music?
nothing hyper than this

coz you got shanked in your ribz, not my ribz your ribs, RIBZ
not even best of the year famalam. that iglooghost song with rocks foe is a fucking throw away and its still 10x better
looool guys grimes not an albums genre thats why all the albums except boy in da corner are terrible, not cuz its a terrible genre itself

>mfw "I am cold, I am misty, colder than the iceberg in history"

fuck it, post old grime tunes ITT

some of wiley's are pretty good
I love Rocks, but I hope he stops producing as many of his tracks, or at least switches up his production style.

He's definitely grime but his instrumentals are way too trappy for my liking. If he worked with some proper grime producers he could change the game.

Such an impressive lyricist too, he could put together a really good project.

Have you seen the set with him and Trim and a few other guys where he randomly starts spitting in some African language halfway through? Might be one of my favourite wheelups in recent history.


It's at around 16 minutes.
novelist is by far the most exciting grime mc right now
Dead excuse, if someone was talented enough they could make a decent album.

This Jammz mixtape is already better than 80% of grime albums ever released and it's a fucking mixtape released by a fairly decent 6/10 new gen MC.
>novelist is by far the most exciting grime mc right now
PK, Saint P and Lyrical Strally from YGG blow Nov out the water: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYTaPxAuNlU
babyfather kind of did that, except it was an experimental album with UK hip hop elements rather than the other way round

idk man UK hip hop's still pretty new i'm sure it'll start happening soon
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>Not DJ Mondie's version.

Reminder that this is the best Grime mixtape/LP/whatever.
feeling when ASAP rocky got kucked by London mans!

>It's a really good album and the only good grime album ever made. "Le real grime" fans will tell you that this is because "grime isn't an album genre" and will proceed to link you to old radio sets, which are basically potato quality recordings of angry British black men yelling with absolutely no rhythm or flow over occasionally really cool sounding beats.
You are a fucking moron
Classic riddim.

>classic riddim

christ im done with fags here, music is dead, where is fucking creativity, THIS IS NOT FUCKING MUSIC
JME - Integrity
Most grime sucks so dizzee rascal - stop dat
wtf, that's terrible. Have some actually good Tinchy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XGj4s21CI4
Please remain as far away from grime as you already are.
As a white boy just starting university should i listen to all of these to get in there with the social crowd at uni, im fucking scared as shit im starting in september and ive heard stories how i will get killed or stabbed going to uni in london. What do?
Plus not many negro people around my area here in yorkshire.
that was clearly a joke you autistic spaz
grime does not mean uk hip hop
this is not grime you total pleb
This whole thread is fucking degenerate.

Literally not music.

No instruments.

No wordplay above semantic levels of thought.

No feeling or message to get across.

No subliminals.

Nothing for future generations except rage inducing music.

It's fucking pathetic.
If you're going to uni in London you won't get stabbed unless you're hanging around a really rough area really late at night and you're really really unlucky.

The majority of your classmates will most likely be posh boys who can afford to go uni in London, especially if you're going to like UCL or Kings or something.

That being said, just get to know Stormzy and Skepta and Jme and Section Boyz and shit because you'll probably hear that a lot.
You're deluded asf mate
Uni =/= prison
christ that white boy is cringe, has he got jaundis?
fucking hell
>being this mad
i don't even like grime but you realise its existence depends almost entirely on people like you right?
I would like to work in the industry though. I cant get my foot in without uni. I actually came into this thread because I know grime is pretty big in london. Plus you can make many connections and friends at uni and to be honest im bored in the sticks.
>should i listen to all of these to get in there with the social crowd at uni
obviously not.. once you get called out it will be infinitely more embarrassing than if you never bothered and just did your own thing.

>im fucking scared as shit
don't be, london is harmless. you're not going to uni in the fucking ends lmao

>ive heard stories how i will get killed or stabbed going to uni in london
these people are screwing with you, don't be such an idiot. the fact you can afford to go to uni - yet alone in london, AND be able to afford to live in london - means that everyone else there and in your immediate vicinity is also from a background where they are blessed enough to be able to do so. i highly doubt you'll be hanging around the more questionable areas of peckham or brixton

that said, even if you are hanging around late at night in these areas (you shouldn't be), the worst that will happen is that you'll have your wallet and phone taken or be knocked around a bit. nobody is going to deliberately try and take your life.
What should i do though if i see some afro-negros? or colored people? i was told not to look them in the eye, or they'll ask me who im lookng at, and thats how the stabbings start. im actually bricking it now.
You Americans need to get educated before you start spouting shit about genres and scenes you know nothing about. I was fucking there at Sidewinder and Eskimo Dance nights. I was always tuned into the pirates. I was fucking there.
>no mention of P's and Q's

are you dumb blud
fuck sakes, wallet taken? phone? im not rich. im like everyone else. and taking a loan because you dont have to pay it back, loads of people do it, people claim you have to be rich but you dont.
Literally the only good track Lethal B has been involved in.

now i have no idea if you're joking or not
fuggg... I forgot bare tunes famalam. This one too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlXJzFbhkp8
>i highly doubt you'll be hanging around the more questionable areas of peckham or brixton

Even if he does, he's still pretty safe those areas are gentrified as fuck now. I'm sure this kid is trolling but realistically if he doesn't walk into a fucking council estate in the dead of night he ain't gonna get stabbed.
tbhfam, kano is weak

although i did rinse that tune still when passing through lambeth college in stockwell family, good times, cunt, now you making man reminisccs

Then don't walk into the middle of a fucking rough council estate in the middle of the night and you will literally be completely fine.

Stop being an idiot.
none of you PUSSYCLARTS mentioned this


oooooer oooer not seen not nor
who not seen in the rhinorrr
you get a quick burial
hot like tar
16 bar

fucking classic
based DEE
loooool ok gramps nobody cares

>i spit 16 bar bar
>hot like tar
>never gonna go away
>permenant scar

is THIS what you were trying to say you FUCKING AUTISTIC FUCK!

None of what you typed he even says jesus fucking christ who are these fucking INVALIDS that listen to this shit, literally retards. Holy shit!
yea bro, im not good at listening and remember ing lyrics though safe famy
>remember ing
ok mate the dubs confirmed you got like 99 chromosomes
Thread needs more Dizzee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oHZEue_iUc
>implying there's a difference
if OP is grime then this is grime.

if you know shit about grime then you'd know it sounded nothing like it does now when it first came out. it's called natural evolution G, this shit is definitely the next step
fuck this faggot, fucking pop proincess of grime

the best

why does the black man sound like a pirate

is this a joke or something? this isn't good
regardless of how he sold out later one, you gotta admit that he was fucking sick bitd. Him and Wiley B2B is something else https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=897iHauHm2I
oh shit i need to watch pirates of the CARRIbean, thanks blad
nah he was always weak, and i hate him because all the white girls i knew wanted to fuck him and not me including my bitch sister
Back when Durrty Doogz was good as well.
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i fucked one anyway, took a while but most of them ended up with blacks anyway
Doogz on that set is easily a top 3 mc. So so sick

OP thats not how you spell nines and that video isnt can't blame me
pardners take heed:
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