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Anyone have a favorite bassist? >pic related, its based Nick
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Anyone have a favorite bassist?
>pic related, its based Nick Oliveri
Didn't he shoot up a school?
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QOTSA was better with him, but I like his contributions as a vocalist more than a bassist lol

My favorite bassist is pretty standard -John Entwistle

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posted it first w better pic and video, get on my level
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nick oliveri is a literal meth head, why does he still have any fans
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Cuz he will fuck your bassist anytime.
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Because fuck you :^)
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Geezer Butler of Black Sabbath has always been my fave, and he's a great lyricist and cat lover to boot.
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Best bassist coming through
well i got a pic of him during their first US breakthrough, km@me boi
I love the sound of bassists who use picks. Also love tasteful basslines. Fancy shit is ite but a great tone and fitting baseline is where its at. Now that I think about, I don't have a favorite.
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the only bassist who's fun to listen to
soo underrated
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Pic related or Chris Squire.
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Thonk was awesome.

Ostensibly. The guy that got me into playing bass in the first place.

This. He's an absolute legend.
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dan briggs.jpg
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He might be the best in the world but i really like his way of playing, both in BTBAM and trioscapes
Whoops, i meant He might NOT be the best in the world*
>Nick Oliveri
He did some work with the Dwarves during the "are young and good looking period". Only highlight of his career.
god i can't get over how uncomfortable that wrist positioning must be
Came to post this exact pic, muh nigguh.
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Steve Harris.jpg
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The best 1-string player

the first 3 QOTSA are really good

after that they got all waded down with too much stylistic and artsy fartsy shit going on

oliveri brought the energy to that band
supposedly he was an asshole of unbelievable proportions though
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robert deleo is a really great bass player too
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