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your last five (5) rateyourmusic (rym) ratings or wishlist additions or whatever
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R-rate pls
first month on mu
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jimmy eat world - clarity
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No i've been here since november

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hi :^)
try some gothic country .
maybe taking back sunday;p XD

i-is that a musical soundtrack ? why ?

heres my acc
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recs would be nice
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I am not white

Moore is ok
>i-is that a musical soundtrack ? why ?
Yeah man I really didn't expect to like it but it made me cry and the rapping in it was actually great and not cringey. Listen to it phamilia
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How do I stop giving 3.0s to everything?
listen to the roughest and lewdest rock around
you know, stuff like j-pop and vaporwave
listen to better music
Do you guys ever bump your old ratings for genres you've skimmed the surface of and are trying to get into more?
what would this accomplish
3 is a good rating though
autorecs for whichever genre it is
rym autorecs are trash
why do you type like this
like this
and try to say
lol so randum things
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Parquet Courts was very disappointing.
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keep panning interpol records

wesseltoft, schwarz - duo

git gud

it doesn't hold up with repeated listens i'll say that
It makes my post seem a little less serious idk
But I understand it can be annoying to read I'll try to control it
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but anon
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it just makes you look underage sorry to tell ya
Deep down inside you, you know full well they're not
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guys just real quick can i just say eccojams is amazing? thanks
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I'm gonna start putting in wishlist additions for when I go record shopping; the visual representation of looking at the album covers in a list should make it easier

Yeah I can see that
mad taste
If you look at 2.5 as average than anything above it is good and anything below is not
you really do have mad taste
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Im catching up on some essentials

Is Pop-emo that good?

Gothic country is bae

Sadly, it's hard to stop once you listen to to much music. Music ruined music for me
You haven't listened to 'too much music' yet though
I grew up with it and pop punk. Can't help but love that stuff. Same with you and Oasis 2bh, except I don't downgrade my favourite albums for e-cred on an anime board.
jimmy eat world transcends emo pop
also shut up montie
fuck off
It does not take 1000 albums to realize that indie pop for the most part is bland as hell.

Totally understand. I sang the middle once in ️show choir, it was pretty fun.

Well, considering most Emo Pop is poo poo that's easy to do.
I have no problem with Jimmy Eat World by the way
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I think my problem with trips like you and proge mon is you barely have listened to music and talk out of your ass (not saying I have listened to a lot but i don't go around talking shit about things I'm not educated in)

pretty disappointing week besides this bliss. that's a pretty solid album but its length works against it, so there are some mediocre tracks that bring it down
Quickspace - Quickspace
Xiu Xiu - La Foret

recs gladly accepted
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Meh, I talk out my ass sometimes for fun.

Also, what is the frog album by Boris like? Im half tempted to listen to it
genre? i'll check it out regardless, just curious
Because of your MIA rating.

Genre: dark art pop / alt rnb
>wl/wh 2 stars
what didn't you like about it ?
>It does not take 1000 albums to realize that indie pop for the most part is bland as hell.
yeah that's what i figured based on the cover. thanks pal
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>not at least 4.5/5
pleb detected

come on sonny
boris is hit or miss but aw is like sunn o))) with the occasional rock parts. it's more like flood iv than floo iii (which is what i was hoping for)

bear in mind my avg rating isnt that high, but I just couldn't enjoy the noisey bits or that one song with the story telling. i also have issues listening to old music in general due to the production (i just cant get past that) so that probably made it sound worse for me
The magnetic fields - holiday
I don't think it's a bad score I just think it's better. 9.6 to be exact :^)
Yeah I can see why it'd be someone's favourite album. Regardless, 4 stars is a really great album, which is what this is to me.
thanks my man
kill yourself
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Ganger - Hammock Style
Cul de Sac - China Gate
Storm and Stress s/t
great discussion

what do you like about unwound's earlier work? the only two albums ive thoroughly enjoyed are npi and ltiy so i was wondering what about it i might be missing
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Why would you listen to and rate Slipknot if you knew that you weren't gonna like it?
Merzbeat is so awful. Easily the worst Merzbow album I've heard.
Kuniko's Xenakis is absolutely amazing. Her Reich album is really good too. Skip Ride and the Beach Boys, you don't need that.
Catherine Christer Hennix - Live at Issue Project Room
Sister is the best guitar rock album ever made
why not rec others
I rated the Slipknot album because I was going through crap I listened to in middle school. Same with SOAD but I was actually pleasantly surprised with how not awful it was. Slipknot album was a 1.8/10 btw. SOAD was 7.9 if anyone was curious.
i enjoyed the artsy fartsy parts of fake train
not sure what to rec them
nah, that's you're living all over me
>nah, that's you're living all over me
I do love that album, but it isn't really as consistent as Sister. That's a problem with most of Dino Jr.'s stuff. That being said, Little Fury Things is an obvious masterpiece.
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RYM Last 5.png
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just recently joined and have been inputting ratings by the hundreds
Thread replies: 64
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