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Thoughts on him?
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Thread replies: 36
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File: Pantano2.png (674 KB, 606x611) Image search: [Google]
674 KB, 606x611
Thoughts on him?
File: egg.png (396 KB, 954x452) Image search: [Google]
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What hairstyle is this called?
i want to punch his face
mediocre redpilled youtube vlogger with boring taste that is posted way too much here
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king of mu
shocking! Why does he hate white people?!
A decent 6.
his gf's cute af desu
>the bald eagle

Dude Antoine Fantoine is seriously benign
Is that Kendrick Lamar?
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i want to suck his big dick
i don't know what cal makes videos playing a music reviewer, he should just be himself more. he's pretty funny
I wonder how he would look without eyebrows. Can someone shoop them out?
Gross she looks like a grasshopper
Annoying faggot, with no critique talent whatsoever. He is giving stupid scores too, like 3/10.
strongly agree although I think he has at least some critique talent but no screen talent whatsoever and should consequently stick to print
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disdain 4 Kanye fans.png
244 KB, 373x380
He's alright, and pointed out some good shit. Can't be mad at him.

Also, I'm starting a Fantano reaction folder. Lot of material I can work with
He isnt white him self, he us half white and half asian

>he could fuck us all up at once
awful, boring reviewer with awful, boring taste
Shut up you mouth breathing goose stepper
He hates SJWs so he's alright in my book.
i'm not
he is awful and boring
I know, don't take it personally, I just wanted to keep the thread bump.
But if this is true, he can't be all that bad of a guy.
>But if this is true, he can't be all that bad of a guy.
He made a video making fun of them. And don't ask me to find it because it was months ago.
im inclined to believe he's just doing it because it's popular now
I might not agree with what he has to say all the time but he's entertaining, plus his opinions are interesting to here even if he doesn't articulate them as well as other critics
>He gives stupid scores to like 3/10
yeah bro my latest rating on rate your music was 4 divided by 3
hes a sexy melon man
Thread replies: 36
Thread images: 6

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