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More like this!
have you heard of this obscure band called pavement

what about the velvet underground
Not pavement, r e c c me some stuff by them
start with Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain and then if you like that go through their discog in chronological order

The rest of their discography
mellow gold beck
early eno
some neil young
pavement I GUESS
tvu has already been said but honestly some of these songs are such blatant tvu plagiarism that it bears repeating
These guys always remind me of the silver jews if the silver jews got some amphetamine paste on their hands. Maybe just try playing silver jews at 1.5x speed op
the modern lovers
I could definitely see that, if they met velvet underground and fucked and then the modern lovers and pavement met and fucked and then somehow those two babies met and fucked, they'd of made parkay quartz
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>starting with crooked rain

Start chronologically my friend, with slanted and enchanted And just head from there
I loved this album too. Been digging into their discog and its all great
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