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>cruyff dies >no sticky >not a real prince dies >sticky
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Thread replies: 14
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>cruyff dies

>no sticky

>not a real prince dies
glad Cruyff's dead desu
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checked but rude

t. allochtoon
you don't know what it's been like having to suffer that guy once his actual football career was done
>you don't know what it's been like having to suffer that guy once his actual football career was done
what do you mean?
you didn't have him on tv, talkshows. political shows, ANYWHERE, shoving his uneducated opinions and inflated sense of self-worth into the public's faces for decades. so yeah, we dutch get to be glad the fucker's dead.
Did Cruyff ever make music?
this is sad to read
i'm sorry anon

my regards

>2 singles

I remember my /sp/ brother and dad were sad when he died, It was the same day that Phife Dawg died
They didn't knew him and i didn't knew Cruyff
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>Keith Emerson Dies
>No sticky
Still hurts.
what the fuck


c'est la vie is a wonderful song
>Keith Emerson
Even Coleman didn't get one
Thread replies: 14
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