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What are certain types of music or genres that you used to really
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What are certain types of music or genres that you used to really be into but as the years went on you found yourself enjoying less and less? For me it's Emo music. I used to be really into pretty much every essential emo band until I started going to college. By then my life was starting to get on track and I found the really depressing music and lyrics to be too much of a detriment to my enjoyment of the actual pieces of music. I still can appreciate emo albums for what they are and their value, but I can't find myself enjoying any of it without the intentional shitty emotions the albums provoke being too distracting to me.

Pic semi-unrelated
Hip hop
I like Joyce Manor a lot. I almost saw them in LA.

For me, probably christian rock / emo

I was really into bands like Copeland, Mae, Waking Ashland, Augustana. Now I listen to more pitchforky bands, but I still reminisce on simpler times.
Rock music in general. I used to be huuuge into pink floyd etc. and now I find myself listening to hip hop and folk music?
Emo for me too. There's a few bands I still really enjoy (Algernon Cadwallader, Glocca Morra) but most of it I can't believe I ever liked.
You know what's weird is that I hated emo in high school when I actually was a depressed sexless loser, but now I'm in my late 20s and doing pretty well, and I love it.

Not sure why.
Joyce Manor is pretty good, I've enjoyed every album they've put out so far.
hell yeah
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