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What are some albums that make you uncomfortable to listen to?
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What are some albums that make you uncomfortable to listen to?
Early Xiu Xiu (Knife Play-Fabulous Muscles)
Slayer - Reign In Blood
any captain beefheart
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Some Sort of Time Machine - No One Ever Grows Up
Buyer's Market
Venetian Snares- Songs About My Cats

It's less eerie and more of a physically uncomfortable feeling due to the loud beats and excessive panning back and forth
Oeuvre désintégrale

i fell asleep listening to that one

nice trips btw
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Philosophy of the World is legit unnerving
This-listened to fabulous muscles on a bad day and really liked it, I tried to listen again and I just felt bad, I'm sure I'll listen again and hear more Xiu but the mood just hasn't come back.
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