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You are currently reading a thread in /mu/ - Music

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everybody's favorite
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>all those people not knowing 50 FUCKING CENT

God damn.
>i was born in 2000
eugh this makes me shiver
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Suicidio Ricardo Lopez.jpg
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>mfw posting OK Computer in "favorite album from the year you were born" threads is no longer a bannable offense
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>people born in 1996 are now 20

>I was born in 2000 so if its not after 2005 I probably won't know it

Does no one listen to things not currently relevant anymore?

I mean fuck I know most kids only care about whats new, and I was one of those for the most part but I at least knew some stuff from the 80s and 90s.
>"Is this Snoop Dogg?"
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>Any year
neither is ITAOTS
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>tfw born in 1996

would /mu/ get thuis
1. idk
2. Watch me whip - idk
3. idk- Fall out Boy?
4. idk- Fetty Wapp
5. idk
6. idk - Bieber
7. Cant remeber name lol - Adelle

i suck
19 and I wish I wasn't.
>hardcore rock
>like sk8r boi
>I only know because of vine
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>the way the guy lights up when in da club starts playing
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God I never thought I'd ever expect to feel like a angry senile man, but that shit killed me.

G-Unit was everywhere. To this day no rappers has such a global presence like fiddy in his prime. I remember going to Africa in the mid 2000s and even there you had satellite tv's playing 50 cent musics videos on repeat and everyone wearing hats or clothes with the words "50 cent" plastered all over it.

In fact if you were to go to a remote African country right now and play "In Da Club", "Candy Shop", or "P.IM.P" people would know it.
>TFW Taylor Swift is the new Avril Lavigne.
TFW hearing System for the first time.
Lipstick girl not only crushes it but is willing to admit she enjoys Nickelback, going against everything the internet tells her to think.
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>le wrong generation
fuck I got every single one of the 2000's one but this one I got none of
>tfw I'm losing touch
nah i just dont want to be fucking old

>everybody's favorite
nigga no
Why are you posting videos from these scamming kikes?

hello fello 96ers
>"all these beats seem so familiar"

it's fucking instrumentation.

Kids are warped to thinking everything is made purely electronically.

holy. fuck.
i barely knew any of those music lol
oh my god you're reading way too much into this, that's not what the kid meant at all jesus christ.
beats = tunes = songs if you don't really care what you're talking about an obviously none of these kids do
I'd fuck at least two of those girls and maybe one of those lads.
>the asian fuccboi

has a good face for a bullet :^)
reminds of the antagonist from the original oldboy desu
yeah i dont understand that. even chads knew early 90s music when i was in high school because we had lime wire and shit
It still should be, there was so much good music to come out in 1997
>2000 was 16 years ago
what the fuck
yeah dude.

glad im out of touch
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