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ITT: Artists /mu/ hates only because of their popularity/fanbase
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Thread replies: 27
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File: twenty-one-pilots-553628a52ec13.jpg (855 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
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ITT: Artists /mu/ hates only because of their popularity/fanbase
every thread about 21 pilots lowers my life expectancy
Reminder to sage if you reply
System of a down
So many others
>/mu/ hating SOAD
r u nu?
No, their music is just hard to listen to really.
I don't mind if someone likes them, I just doing see how
I'm convinced this is just one guy posting these threads. Just keep saging
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courtney barnett.jpg
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File: cat licking lips.jpg (144 KB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
cat licking lips.jpg
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remember to bump this thread, can't wait for the next shitstorm
I don't think anyone can hate her as a person but you gotta admit, she has to make a drastic stylistic shift cos that got old fast. Has nothing to do with her fans.
Every time.
>choosing SOAD out of that list
r u nu?
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/mu/ doesn't hate any of those bands.
Radiohead is pretty much mu's favourite band. We are the annoying fans everyone complains about
Are you kidding? Twenty One Pilots (that's their band name you fucking autists) have amazing music. From their first album all the way up to Blurryface have all been simply great. Also I'd fuck Tyler Joseph if I had the chance
this gave me cancer
Yeah I know. I've become one of them... I genuinely am sorry for being a faggot
Stressed Out wouldn't be that bad of a song if it didn't have that "WAKE UP YOU NEED TO MAKE MONEY" part at the end. I honestly don't mind it until that cringe enducing part happens.
Do you ever get tired of making this thread?
Vessel is ok

Their instrumentals aren't that bad to be honest, overlooked because of the bad vocals and lyrics

Literally, actually, objectively fucking The Beatles. 4chan is contrarian to begin with, and its userbase is young enough now that this is how you get back at mom and dad.
Thread replies: 27
Thread images: 5

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