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ITT: We post Our most listened album in the last 7 days, get
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ITT: We post Our most listened album in the last 7 days, get recs based on it
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Should I check this out
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Grimes - Halfaxa (alt).jpg
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I swear to fucking god I have no idea why I hadn't listened to this masterpiece before. It's not like I adore pop punk stuff.
Yes, it's fantastic. Probably my AOTYSF. Sounds like what I wanted PW to sound like. If you like Animal Collective, it's worth at least one listen.
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Their best álbum.
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I thought it was very bland but then again I have disliked every AnCo album I've heard too
Shot in the dark but I like this song
You should check the white álbum. It's not like pinkerton but it's enjoyable. And even if called a meme, Nouns - Still bummed is good
This is pretty good man. I really like it. I don't lknow what that album is, so I'll just rec you something I like. Hope you do too.
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Yes, this is a fact.

Not really another band, but I don't know a lot of people who know of this EP. This is my favorite Iron maiden record.

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Glad you liked it! Been meaning to listen to Don Aman actually, thanks for the rec. this is pretty tight.
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Recommend the following which are similar style to WWUi92 (ie modern Breakbeat Hardcore) but way better.

Special Request - Soul Music
Glowstyx - Class of 92
Shitmat - One Foot In The Rave
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