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It's pop music. Every single song is catchy. I'd love
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It's pop music.

Every single song is catchy. I'd love to lick her clit. The music videos are vibrant and fun to watch.

But it's pop music. Simple noise made to distract you from your real life. She's not taking risks. The lyrics hold no value. She's not an angel.

Don't be blinded by her third-eye iconography, bright colors and cartoonish looks.

Seek higher pleasures than Grimes.
>It's pop music.
Can't argue with that
>Every single song is catchy
Definitely true
>I'd love to lick her clit
Yeah, th- hey wait a minute
Why do people get so worked up over this stuff
>it's pop music, therefore it is not worthy of me

I present to you, /mu/.

(And I don't even like Grimes.)
really not worked up, just spreading the good word.

the real /mu/ has never indulged in pop music, ever. until now. stay new though.
>mu has never indulged in pop music

Thats the dumbest fucking thing i've ever hears. Just how new are you?
I agree with everything but

>it's pop music. Simple noise made to distract you from your real life.

Seems like a pretty narrow view on pop music desu.
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>when every thread was about radiohead
>or neutral milk hotel
>is it truly a potato
>or just some tambourine?
>the feels were new, and the vibes were fresh
>i wrote the lyrics of the shins
>on my high school desk.
>we were eloquent young pilgrims
>seeking the undiscovered,
>it was like every new song
>was trying to break your heart,
>and jesus, sometimes i cried.
>the third planet orbited on
>and every song began to sound the same.
>they took it from us:
>those barbarians, those thieves
>our language was stolen along with
>our patrician memes.
>but alas, this is what we wanted,
>for others to hear these things,
>yet now it feels so different
I guess I didn't know it would sting.
I liked the earlier album even, but this shit sucks.

"Belly of the Beat" is the only song on the album I can listen to twice. You can really tell she has complete creative control or whatever, 'cause it's some boring ass music.
I want to lick mayonnaise out of grime's asshole
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