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Why do girls enjoy the 1975?
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>Go to college
>Every girl I meet says they enjoy The 1975
>I have yet to meet one guy who likes them.
>Finally listen, holy hell they sound like Duran Duran if Duran Duran kinda sucked.
The deluxe version of their debut album is my most listened to album of the last 5 years
kys. their new album is far better
I like this album and i like their new album too. i don't see why everyone has to take everything so seriously. they're good and i like it.
>Has an album titled "I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It"

Why do you think, anon?
It's also been out for a month so it's understandably been hard for me listen to it more than an album that's been out for 3 years
Their lead singer is "hot" in that exceedingly faggy way girls love yet no man would ever respect
That's literally it
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i'm a gay male and i want his dick and tongue worse than i could describe, at least in words

i don't know how or why tho

kill yourselves homos
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thanks anon your post ruined my fries
For the same reason female fronted or female heavy bands are generally terrible.
I enjoy Prince, David Bowie, Depeche Mode and The Cure... Yet I just don't get this one. Maybe I'm not faggy enough.
according go google translate you're saying females are dumber'n fish shit
well once again, google translate is wrong. I mean women generally have shitty taste in music.

come on, meming or not you're only making yourself seem dumb
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maybe it's because they're dumber'n fish shit tho
name a great female fronted band
Siouxsie and the Banshees, The Sugarcubes and The Breeders.
Thanks for proving me right. Only 1/3 female fronted bands are any good...
because taylor swift likes them

and those oned erection boys
really fucking dumb

might as well name an album "I ate some cereal for breakfast this morning, it wasn't raisin bran, rather, it was cheerios"
that would have been a better title
>the "salty" meme
go back to stickyrice's chat channel you cancerous fuck
the cheerios thing certainly would have been cuter :3
Those are all great bands/artists, as is Duran Duran. This 1975 band is just bad, and not only in a faggy way. The music is genuinely terrible. Granted, I only listen to like 3 of their most popular songs on youtube, and only 30 seconds of each, but that's enough I need to hear to form an objective opinion.
Sleater-Kinney, tune-yards, Tegan and Sara, Portishead, Phantogram, Melt-Banana, Midori, 385, and Little Dragon exist too
kek. every patrish should know that a band's singles are often their least interesting and worst tracks
>Granted, I only listen to like 3 of their most popular songs on youtube, and only 30 seconds of each, but that's enough I need to hear to form an objective opinion.
I've listened to 0 of their most popular songs for only 0 seconds and I still fucking hate them

they're a tumblrband who literally bought popularity, 0/10 would rather kill myself than listen to
>bought popularity
uh what do you mean by that exactly? they were a band for like 8 years before their first album came out you twat. they released like 5 EPs from 2012-2014 ahead of their first album. they didn't get big oustide the UK until just last year
oh cool then they sold out and hired a PR firm to hawk their compromised music and plaster their lame asses all over any remotely popular media

shit band shit music shit fans die please
I just can't stand that Love Me is an unapologetic ripoff of Bowie's Fame and Fashion.

To the point that, aside from the jazzy guitar and echo-y vocals and sassy reverb, they literally use the words "fame" and "fashion" prominently in the lyrics.
awful lot of ruined french fries ITT
>"salty" meme


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fuck m80 chill
he is charismatic tho
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>I've never listened to this band but I hate it because girls like it!!!
Ehhh Dave Gahan is charismatic as all hell. I don't know about this goofball.
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Well, if we're going by objective and not subjective, those groups all have critical acclaim and have left a legacy. Guess you're just an idiot.
I know plenty of guys who like them. They're good, almost like a modern day INXS. Very enjoyable.
Not with that shit haircut.
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