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>Jenny Death sucks >Interview 2016 sucks >Hothead sucks
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>Jenny Death sucks
>Interview 2016 sucks
>Hothead sucks
>album cover sucks

this is the end
>This bait sucks
>their fans are all boring white sheltered autists

Stop making threads nigger
All meme rap sucks
I really don't like Hothead at all. It feels like a parody of what people think Death Grips sounds like. Which might be the point, I guess? I don't know but I still don't like listening to it.
Death Grips sucks
any artist that put out 7 albums in 5 years shouldn't be taken seriously
I agree but

>people posted in this thread
I disagree on all statements
That's your opinion

my opinion is I liked Jenny Death and Hot Head was pretty good.
>notm will forever be the goat darth grapes album

>you were there the moment it launched
>jenny death is pretty good, but the worst death grips LP
>hot head is just okay
>interview 2016 is some of the best material instrumentally that they've ever released

i have no idea how to feel rn, just waiting for the record at this point
>tfw the notm release drew you to /mu/ and you could never leave again

im here forever now. I can't escape
Do you remember when they were non stop retweeting people who were saying "death grips sucks". Yeah they even know
I get the feeling they were referencing Primus with that shit.
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