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>generic accusation that it's a meme and therefore should
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Thread replies: 46
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>generic accusation that it's a meme and therefore should not be liked
>A response stating "here is your response"
>Generic whiny, pissed off reply rambling about "true art"
>replying with shitty memes
bump senpai
>actual sincere feelings saying that it's a great album and I genuinely like it
>no u
>something about how /mu/ has gone to shit... redditors... something... underage
using greentext
In my g4 over da sea
>meme-response about semen and anne frank
>Stating that you're Reddit if you don't unironically like this album
>random lyrics from the album in all caps
>preferably the first couple of lines from the second track
>somebody implies that someone else is homosexual and helpfully suggests that he go to some other part of 4chan
I - vi - IV - V
>Saying those comments are dumb
kek this
Daily reminder that if any of your favourite albums has more than 3000 ratings on RYM, you are a certified pleb.
>Beatles copypasta
only one song on the album uses that progression
>I understand this

Fuck, highschool Music Theory class hasn't been useful in a while
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>Denouncing rock music and claiming its fans are anti intellectuals
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Newfag here, why is AOtS considered a meme. Was it a forced meme or was it the Anne frank/semen mountains that made it meme material?

Literally like it because of how loud the guy sings some parts of the song, specially in Two head boy and Aeroplane over the sea. It scratches an itch I didn'tp know I had.
semen stains the mountaintops

I listened to that whole mashup album and unironically loved every minute of it.
>hey anon, i...i... disagree w-w-wholeheartedly
It's a meme because it's popular like every meme here
>"I liked Big Hero 6"
>shouting "I LOVE YOU JESUS CHRIIIIST" until all NMH posters retreat
I like the album.
>why is AOtS considered a meme
It's considered a meme because it is a meme.
It's a meme because it's memed.

That's all there is to it.

>Calling you out as bait
It's my favorite
It's indie rock, and thus the vocals are absolute garbage.
good argument
here's your reply
Thank you
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-Call him a faggot.png
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I made this today to punish you /mu/ https://clyp.it/p2lqorsp

full album when?
It's surprisingly well done.
I have a good ear but I only use it for stupidity
>using lyrics as memes
Is it the title track
>calling that album a meme

what the fuck is wrong with this thread
Well, I thought we were going to discuss ITAOTS in this thread but it's literally just people talking about their favorite memes
Thread replies: 46
Thread images: 5

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